Canada: Tempest in a Toilet Bowl – Media attacks on Paul Fromm


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[The problem is that they attack any White who stands up for Whites or has said or done anything positive for Whites. This is from Paul Fromm. Jan]

Most of the Fake News media slavers at the opportunity to blow the slightest sign of European Pride into a hysterical denunciation of "hate" with implicit calls for more action and repression. During the recent election campaign in Hamilton, someone stuck (it was easily removed) a sticker reading: "White Lives Matter, Time to Take a Stand: White People First" on a large poster on a bus shelter of Kojo Demptey a Ghanian running or Council in Ward 14.[He lost.]

We have previously exposed the anti-free speech views of Demptey who headed up the taxpayer-funded Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion — all of whose employees are non-White. Back in 2019, Hamilton City Council asked staff to prepare a report on ways to ban "White Supremacist" groups from city property. I decided to apply to appear as a delegation at a meeting of the City Council in my role as Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. The normal procedure is that citizens with concerns register and are given a five-minute slot at the beginning of the meeting. It all seemed simple. But it wasn’t. My very appearance on a free speech issue stirred huge opposition. The crazy left local paper, The Hamilton Spectator, editorialized again my being heard. Several local councillors did not want to hear me. One had concluded that council should refuse to listen to a "known White nationalist", who, I might note, is also a resident and taxpayer! The mayor fretted about ensuring that I didn’t say "hateful things". About free speech? The taxpayer-funded Hamilton Centre on Civic Inclusion, headed by an import from Ghana, one Kojo Demptey , urged city council not to hear me. Yes, read that again: The Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion (yes, "inclusion") demanded that Council exclude me. "City Hall is supposed to be a safe space for all residents", the African reasoned. Free speech — they just don’t get it. Damptey identifies himself as a "decolonial advocate" — whatever that is. The Civic Inclusion Centre’s staff consists of two Negroes and one Chinese woman — very inclusive.

Both the CBC and the poisonous Hamilton Spectator (October 11, 2022) went crazy. One sticker generated several days of long hysterical articles. "A white nationalist network that operates under the name White Lives Matters (WLM) claimed responsibility for the [sticker] — which saw similar stickers placed on lamp posts and electrical boxes in Hamilton — on the social media platform Telegram. Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre executive director Lyndon George said the use of racist and xenophobic content in local municipal campaigns has “been ramping up,” pointing to ‘anti-woke’ messaging in some school board races as an example."

I even got a defamatory mention: “These are not just fringe individuals on the sidelines who perpetrate hate in the community. We have a candidate who is a known White Supremacist running for mayor,” referring to Paul Fromm, who was affiliated with the neo-Nazi organization Stormfront." Stormfront is NOT neo-Nazi; I have repeatedly told The Spectator that I am a White nationalist, not a supremacist.

Anyway, the Hamilton police were investigating the sticker as a possible "hate crime." CAFE asks: What’s the crime? Where’s the hate? The sticker expresses love for White people and all people tend to put themselves first, except for Europeans who are cajoled by the Globalists to put others first. It was a great publicity and a boo-hoo story for Demptey.

Next, in Ward 3 Walter Furlan, badly trailing the incumbent, was handed some free publicity by the hate-vigilant CBC (October 17): Hamilton police are investigating after a campaign sign of a Ward 3 council candidate was vandalized, marking the second hate-related incident that has involved police this election campaign. ‘We found a swastika on my forehead and a moustache to apparently make me look like Hitler,’ said Walter Furlan." Furlan lost. Defacing a lawn sign, perhaps, but is it really "hate"!

Well, the publicity and victimhood were just too good to be true. Wouldn’t you know: "Hamilton police are investigating another election-related incident, after a campaign sign of mayoral candidate Andrea Horwath was found vandalized with misogynistic slurs and imagery. Horwath’s team was notified Sunday of the defaced sign, which was displayed on a rural property north of Binbrook.

Horwath said Tuesday in a tweet that the vandalism included ‘misogynistic and violent imagery’ that was ‘so disturbing that I’m not able to share the images on social media.’"

CBC Hamilton has viewed an image of the sign, but has decided not to publish it due to the graphic nature of the vandalism." [How prissy and precious: Someone wrote some bad words but neither Horwath nor the taxpayer-funded CBC will tell us what they were so that we might form our own opinion. Horwath who led the Ontario NDP suffered severe losses in the June 2 Ontario Provincial election. She did better running for Mayor of Hamilton, squeaking by with a narrow victory.]

"The ‘mega sign,’ measuring 1.2 by 2.4 metres, was covered with hateful messages and illustrations using spray paint and pen, including multiple misogynistic slurs, swastikas and crude drawings.

Horwath’s slogan, "Vote Andrea Horwath, mayor for a thriving Hamilton," was defaced with red spray paint to read, "F–k Andrea Horwarth, s–t for a thriving Ham." (CBC, October 19, 2022

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You will remember that in April 2024, before I climbed on a plane to fly to the USA and Canada, that the US Government suddenly cancelled my VISA and I was prevented from climbing on a plane.

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