Canada: COVID HELL: BC Nurses Suffer Heart Attacks After Being Vaccinated. Adverse reactions and deaths aren’t being reported because the paperwork is prohibitive.
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BC Nurses Suffer Heart Attacks After Being Vaccinated
October 20, 2021
Covid Anecdotes from Ray Songtree
Adverse reactions and deaths aren’t being reported because the paperwork is prohibitive.
Personal tale of what is occurring in parts of Canada……..
by Ray Songtree
Personal friend who is a registered nurse working in ER in BC, Canada: MDs & nurses complicit in vaccine murder
..He saw and documented an alarming increase of "vaxxed patients" presenting with strokes , seizures, bood clots, paralysis ,heart attackes and inflamation .. as well as rashes , hives etc. Some nurses and EMt’s there have suffered paralysis and heart attacks after receiving the vax. He also noted an increase in anaphylactic shock incidences from things like bee stings.. occurring in vaccinanated people who had never had this type of allergy before.
Most of the Dr and nurses were choosing to look the other way and not document the health issues occurring within days, weeks and months of receiving the vax. and boosters. . Documentation of such adverse reactions requires DRs to fill out about 40ish pages per incident and do hours of research to find out the vaccine vial info such as lot # , manufacturer etc Dr are not doing reporting this because of this .
My RN nurse friend and his RN girlfriend have now had their RN licenses revoked because of choosing to speak up..and choosing not to get vaccinated The BC nurses union opposed the mandates, firing and the revoking of licenses but Bonnie Henry . head of health BC mandated it anyways.. so it is happening, Bonnie Henry was installed into her present gov position after working several years with the WHO
Thanks to PM Trudeau Canada has now moved forward with vaccine passports and no vax no fly no travel mandates. My friends there who are aware of the vax dangers have eithe packed up and moved to Mexico or are caving in to the tyranny and getting the vax, Many seem very frightened however and " frozen" psychologically The atmosphere is not good.. there is much hostility towards the " unvaxed" in many areas especially in the cities. .. propagated and encouraged by prime monster Trudeau.
It would appear Canada is in serious trouble. .. brought on by decades of programing and demoralizing of it’s people into dependent , helpless ‘ obedient ‘ citizens with victim mentality. I see this as a serious downside to the socialistic governmental authority paradigm.
Hospitals – Murder for Profit
—Aloha All,
I was visiting with a friend yesterday that I haven’t seen in about eight months. We were catching up and also having a Covid discussion when he mentioned that his elderly sister (who lived on the mainland) recently died of Covid. I was shocked and asked the circumstances and if she had any comorbidities, etc. Apparently, she had a bad fall and an ambulance took her to the local hospital. Upon admission for the fall they gave her a PCR test (which we all know generates false positives) and diagnosed her with Covid. [This same protocol has been widely reported] The Doctor immediately put her on a ventilator and she was dead two days later. My friend genuinely believes it was the ventilator that killed her. This is exactly what Stew Peters, various Doctors, and the Hospital Whistle Blowers have alleged is happening. Murder by Ventilator and Remdesivir.
When you think how the Government incentivized this by paying the hospitals more money for Covid cases [$13,000 and Ventilator use 39,000] it is shocking. Who ever made that decision in government and the decision to use the faulty PCR test for diagnosis is guilty of crimes against humanity. (I would also add withholding ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatment options)
I truly believe we need to charge all of these corrupt Health officials, Government officials, Hospital administrators, Doctors, Politicians, Media execs, Tech execs who participated in any of these Covid crimes, any Lockdown crimes, any Vaccine crimes, and any Nuremberg violations with crimes against humanity.
It is the only way it will end.
[Ray here – the conscience of the culture itself has been compromised now to point where Hippocratic oath itself has been captured. I've said this over and over again. It is not the elite, it is THE CULTURE. My website and book "Lipstick and war crimes" tries to outline this compromise. I will now suggest this to my friends… Strip down all of your consumerism and any vanities. It is truly purification time. Gird up. ]
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