Canada: Anti-White Trudeau: Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal Get Hitched
Video: WTA03: The White End Game: How Portugal and S.Africa almost conquered all of Southern Africa
In this video we look at the amazing plans of South Africa and Portugal to beat the Blacks in Africa. The results of their efforts still stand to this day, and nobody notices it.
[Paul Fromm in Canada sent me this. More on the moron Trudeau, whose Jew-infested mind can't think straight. Jan]
Throne, Altar, Liberty
The Canadian Red Ensign
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal Get Hitched
Just in time for the beginning of spring, Jimmy Dhaliwal, the clown in charge of Canada’s official socialist party – the others are the unofficial socialist parties – who looks and, more importantly, acts like he is playing the role of evil Grand Vizier in a cheap, third-rate melodrama adapted from one of Scheherazade’s tales, came out from his hole, looked around, saw his shadow and gave us a truly terrifying forecast – three more years of Captain Airhead. He had agreed to prop up the Liberal minority government until the next Dominion election in return for….what exactly? It is rather difficult to conceive of any concession the Grits could have made to him considering they have been stealing his clothes and his platform since pretty much the moment Captain Airhead became Prime Minister. Perhaps all that is really going on is an attempt to remain relevant after having been rendered redundant. Perhaps I threw that option out merely to see how many words beginning with re- I could fit in a single sentence. Whatever the case may be, he then proceeded to pat himself on the back and compare himself to Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton.
In considering what this unholy marriage means for the country it would be helpful first to review how each of the partners currently stands in Parliament.
In the last Dominion election which took place last fall, Captain Airhead’s Grits increased their seats in the House of Commons by three from the previous Dominion election in 2019. In that latter election they had been reduced from the majority government they had won in 2015 to a small minority government. In both elections they won the plurality of seats while losing the plurality in the popular vote which was won by the Conservatives who have been Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition since 2015. Indeed, despite their gain of three seats, their percentage of the popular vote dropped to the lowest a party that went on to form government has ever received. Captain Airhead has, nevertheless, governed since 2019 as if he commanded a solid majority in the House. Moreover, after last year’s election he claimed that he had received a clear mandate from the Canadian public. This is a nonsensical claim for anybody in a minority government, let alone a minority government that won only a plurality of seats not a plurality of the popular vote to make, but he repeated it again when grilled by Opposition leader Candice Bergen in the House after the coalition was announced.
As for Jimmy Dhaliwal’s party, they did terrible in both elections as well. In 2019, the first election in which Dhaliwal led the NDP, they dropped from the thirty-nine seats they had previously held to twenty-four. Their percentage of the popular vote dropped by almost four percent. They improved only slightly on this last year, gaining one seat. To put a bit of context to this, remember that this was only eight years after the late Honourable Jack Layton had led the socialists into the 2011 Dominion election increasing their seats from thirty-six to one-hundred and three and increasing their percentage of the popular vote by twelve and a half percent. Stephen Harper’s Conservatives won a majority government in that election and the NDP became Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition at the Dominion level for the first and only time in Canadian history. This was called the “Orange Wave” at the time. It is not merely in contrast to Layton’s popularity of eight years previously that Dhaliwal’s dismal performance needs to be understood. 2019 was the year that Captain Airhead was reduced from a majority to a small minority. The government had been shaken by the SNC-Lavalin scandal earlier in the year before the election was called then, during the election campaign, all those chickens from Captain Airhead’s past as a blackface performer came home to roost in a personal scandal. Ordinarily, when a Liberal leader loses voters and seats en masse in a disgrace like this, one expects the NDP to gain. Those voters all jumped to the Lower Canadian separatists instead and the socialists lost ground too.
My point in going into all of this is that neither the Liberals nor the NDP under either party’s current leadership is very appealing to Canadians. Far more Canadians voted against the Liberals than voted for them in the last two Dominion elections and that is true of the socialists as well. Nor can you just add those who voted Liberal to those who voted NDP to get the popular support for the “clear mandate” now claimed by this unholy coalition. No Canadians voted for a Liberal-NDP or NDP-Liberal coalition government. Some, understandably including many of the Conservatives, would maintain that this in itself is the problem with what has just been done. I disagree because this merely offends against the ideal of democracy of which idol my opinion is far closer to the ancients’ disdain and contempt than the Moderns’ infatuation. It is technically permitted by the rules of that time-tested and honoured governing institution of Parliament although it seems fairly obvious that both leaders are acting by the letter of what is permitted rather than the spirit. Promising to prop up a minority government in this way circumvents Parliament’s power to hold the government accountable. What I wish to stress here is the reason why both of these parties have lost so much of their appeal under their present leaders.
While personal defects on the part of the leaders undoubtedly played a part in this, especially with regards to Captain Airhead who combines a staggering level of brazen hypocrisy with enough hubris to have brought Nemesis down on the heads of the entire pantheon of Greek heroes, both parties have under their current leaders adopted the same narrow, extremist, and utterly insane ideology. Most people would probably describe this ideological shift as a move to the far left but this does not really do justice to what has happened. Indeed, it is potentially misleading because “far left” is usually understood to mean “Communist” and what we are talking about is an ideology that would have been considered way out in the left field of Cloud Cuckoo Land by the old Marxist-Leninist Commies of the Cold War era. Imagine what V. I. Lenin or Joseph Stalin would have done to someone who suggested to them that the Bolshevik regime should make it a priority to stomp out all usage of masculine pronouns for men who consider themselves to be women or of feminine pronouns for women who consider themselves to be men.
An illustration of how thinking of the new Grit-NDP ideology simply as something further to the left can be misleading is provided by the Conservative response to the announced alliance. It has been good insofar as it goes but it has gone no further than the economy. Candice Bergen et al. are certainly right to say that this deal between the Grits and the socialists means that life will become even less affordable for ordinary Canadians as taxes are raised, grocery prices rise even higher due to the inflationary effect of all the “free” goodies everyone will be bribed with, while the energy sector, so important to a part of the country that not-coincidentally tends not to support either the Grits or the socialists, comes further under attack and efforts to develop other natural resources are hindered and thwarted. As bad as all this is, it is only a small part of the woe that these deranged ideologues wish to unleash upon Canada.
I use the term ideology, by the way, for the sort of thinking that the Grits and the socialists share today even though that thinking does not come close to being as systematic and coherent as the word ideology usually implies because it is as rigid and dogmatic as any ideology and no better word suggests itself.
This ideology is based upon dividing Canadians according to race, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. – the list of categories is ever expanding – then assigning “victim” and “villain” status to the groups formed by these divisions. Whites, for example, are the designated villain for the race category, and all others are the designated victims. These statuses can be combined to create “supervictim” and “supervillain” statuses. A woman, for example, of a race other than white who belongs to a non-Christian religion, is a member of three different victim groups and in accordance with the crackpot dogma of intersectionality that is the rationale behind all of this these victim statuses are multiplied rather than merely added to each other. At the same time someone who is a white, Christian, male is that much more of a villain than the person who is only one of these things. The ultimate bad guy in this warped worldview, however, is not merely the person who belongs to all of the villain groups. Indeed, someone can belong to each and every one of them and still be regarded as one of the “good guys” by the woke provided that he is willing to make groveling apologies to each of the designated victim groups for each of the villain groups to which he belongs. Captain Airhead himself is the obvious example of this. He is white, male, and nominally at least cisgender, heterosexual and Roman Catholic, but is constantly weeping crocodile tears over all of this. The ultimate bad guy for the new, woke, Canadian left is Canada herself, or at least a Canada that would still be recognizable as such to pre-1963 Canadians, and the larger Christian/Western civilization of which she is a part. Each of the designated victim groups are encouraged by the woke left to air their grievances, not just against their corresponding villain group, but also and primarily against the historical Canada. The woke left then pleads guilty on behalf of Canada regardless of whether the grievances are legitimate and have any substance to them or not. Just as woke feminism insists that a woman must always be believed when she accuses a man of some sort of sexual crime so woke leftism in general insists that all accusations against the country made by designated victim groups be believed. That this is the opposite of the old notion of innocent until proven guilty does not faze the woke left. That notion came to us from the patriarchal, white supremacist, heteronormative, Christian past and so they consider it to be tainted. The goal of all of this is power – gaining power by bringing all of these different identity groups, even if their interests are mutually exclusive, behind the woke left – then using that power to stomp out everything in the country that they don’t like and justifying this by associating it with all the “isms” and “phobias” of the past.
Unfortunately, many Canadians tend to think of the woke ideology that has captured both the Liberal Party and the NDP in terms of meaningless apologies and other empty, symbolic gestures. The problem is a lot more serious than this however. For most of Canadian history, Conservatives, Liberals, and socialists believed that Canadians, regardless of race, sex, etc., each possessed as their property as subjects of the Crown, certain rights and freedoms that protected them from the abuse of government power. The only rights that the woke Liberals and NDP seem to recognize as actually binding the hands of government, however, are newer “rights” that belong not to each Canadian but to members of designed victim groups protecting them against “isms” and “phobias” on the part of designated villain groups. As for all those older rights and freedoms that we traditionally regarded as the property of all Canadians under Common Law, including the freedoms identified as “fundamental” in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, these the woke Liberals and NDP see as privileges, that is, things that we get to enjoy if the government decides to permit it. As has increasingly become apparent the woke Liberals and NDP want that permission to be granted or denied on the basis of a social credit system. That is social credit in the Chinese Communist sense of the term – the government keeps tabs on everything you say and do and awards you more or less freedom based upon whether it approves of what you have been saying and doing – rather than in the sense of the economic and monetary theories of Major C. H. Douglas from which all the now defunct Social Credit parties in Canada were named.
We don’t have to look far for an illustration of this. Take the right to peacefully assemble to express disagreement with and make demands of the government. This right has never included the right to commit acts of violence against others, to damage or destroy public or private property, or to commit actual sedition or insurrection. It has, however, traditionally been regarded as belonging to all Canadian subjects of the Crown. Captain Airhead’s Liberals, however, with the support of Jimmy Dhaliwal’s NDP even before the formal announcement of their nuptials, have treated this as a right that belongs only to those Canadians with whose causes they agree. If there is a demonstration or protest with whose woke cause they agree, such as the environmentalist protests against Canada’s energy sector and especially the pipelines, the BLM demonstrations of the summer of 2020, or the residential school protests of last summer, the Liberals and NDP do not seem to care if the protests are paid for by foreign interests and the protestors commit acts of violence and destruction. When, however, a group of working class Canadians objected to government rules and restrictions that were adversely affecting them just last month, even though this group committed no such acts of violence and destruction, nor, despite leftist claims to the contrary, were they funded by foreigners, the NDP-backed Liberals went all ballistic on them, evoked the Emergency Measures Act for the first time in Canadian history, froze their bank accounts, arrested their leaders, and sent the police in to brutalize them. The summer before, the residential school protestors hijacked Canada’s anniversary holiday and, here in Winnipeg, toppled the statues on the grounds of the provincial legislature of Queen Victoria, who presided over Confederation, and Queen Elizabeth II our reigning Sovereign. That is what sedition and insurrection look like. By contrast, the truckers’ demonstration earlier this year was a display of patriotic love – Canada’s largest ever block party, with people cheering and greeting each other, enjoying food and games and hot tubs, and waving Canadian flags. This is what Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal decided needed to be crushed with the maximum force available to the government. As this was going on the perpetrators of last year’s assault on Canada’ history and institutions were allowed to walk without penalty.
Never before in Canadian history has there been a Prime Minister less willing to tolerate those who disagree with him than Captain Airhead. Since last summer he has spoken several times of those who wish to make their own choices about whether to have man-made foreign substances injected into their bodies rather than have such decisions dictated by government in the most dehumanizing of terms. He has declared the views of those who disagree with him “unacceptable”. He has said that we as Canadians need to ask ourselves whether we are willing to tolerate having those who disagree with him about this in our midst. In the actions described in the previous paragraph he proved himself willing to act on this kind of language. Even though he is brazenly hypocritical enough to lecture other countries about the need to listen to those with whom they disagree at home he practices the exact opposite of this. It is like he took William F. Buckley’s famous line about how liberals loudly proclaim their willingness to listen to other ideas but are then shocked and offended to discover that there are any as a “how to” statement. Having Jimmy Dhaliwal as a partner will only make this problem worse.
In 1970 Parliament, dominated by a Liberal party led by Captain Airhead’s father, passed a bill amending the Criminal Code to include three sections against “hate propaganda”. Since to qualify as “hate propaganda” by the terms of these sections incitement to violence, which was already against the law, had to be included, this was redundant and unnecessary and did nothing but start the process of conditioning Canadians to accept the government telling them what they can and cannot think and say. Seven years later, Parliament, still led by the Liberals under Pierre Trudeau, passed the Canadian Human Rights Act, which took government policing of Canadians’ thoughts to a whole new level. The entire Act was bad but the worst part of it was Section 13 which forbade the telephonic communication of material “likely to” expose designated victim groups to “hatred or contempt” as an act of discrimination. In 2001 Jean Chretien’s Liberals amended this provision to cover the internet as well. In 2014 these efforts to bring Canadians’ thoughts and words under government control met a setback when Section 13 was removed from the CHRA, one year after a private member’s bill revoking it had passed Parliament and received royal assent. This bill had only passed through the cooperation of Conservative and dissenting Liberal members. The current leader of the Liberals tolerates far less dissent among his caucus than was the case in 2013 and the Liberals have just reintroduced a bill that they had first introduced before the last Parliament was dissolved last year. This bill would re-introduce something similar to Section 13 but far worse in that it would allow for peace bonds to be issued against people on the grounds of what it is feared they might say rather than something they have already said. With Jimmy Dhaliwal’s pledge to Captain Airhead, this bill is now sure to pass the House, unless both caucuses are somehow able to muster up enough dissenting voices with the integrity to break with their leaders on this.
Not only have Captain Airhead’s woke Liberals and Jimmy Dhaliwal’s woke NDP expanded what they wish to see prohibited as “hate speech” to include much that was not covered by previous “hate speech” laws, even words not yet spoken, they have also clearly expressed their wish to suppress dissent in all sorts of other areas as well. This is why they are always talking about “misinformation” and “disinformation”. On matters as various as climate change, the bat flu, abortion, the last American election and the Russia-Ukraine conflict they claim that “misinformation” and “disinformation” are endangering the public good and so the government needs to step in to control these. Of course, “misinformation” and “disinformation” do not mean to them what these words mean to normal people. To you, I, the average Joe on the street, his brother Bob, and basically anyone with an ounce of horse sense, “misinformation” and “disinformation” are identified as such by being false. They are held up to the yard stick of Truth and found to fall short. To Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal, however, neither of whom care a lick about Goodness or Beauty, much less Truth, “misinformation” and “disinformation” are anything that disagrees with what they say. This is why it was so chilling to see that smug, soulless, smile come into Captain Airhead’s eyes the other day in Question Period when he responded to something Candice Bergen said about his new partnership with Dhaliwal with a remark about “misinformation” and “disinformation”.
Captain Airhead and Jimmy Dhaliwal have gotten hitched in a manner of speaking. Now they are about to drag the entire country with them to their honeymoon in hell.
Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 7:25 AM
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