BREXIT STUPIDITY: CANZUK: The Britard Israelites – Jew infested Britain – Zero European Awareness


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Video: A Survival tip for Whites: The Shoe Shine Boy, Jews and Blacks
The lessons in this video can help all Whites, everywhere. The 1929 Stock Market Crash wiped out lots of people including very wealthy people. But in this this video we take a look at some of the rare White men who profited from the 1929 Stock Market Crash.

[One of my readers made this comment on my article about whether Britain is really a part of Europe, and the latest CANZUK stuff. Interestingly, the UK will find that the ONLY RELIABLE NATIONS… i.e. Canada, Australia and New Zealand are actually WHITE DOMINATED!!! DUH!!!!! This should be a lesson to those Jew-ridden English that Nigeria, Kenya, etc are NOT SUITABLE for close association with! The Jew-ridden English seem to me to be floundering around after their nonsensical BREXIT idiocy … driven by Jews and Freemasons … and not that they've flipped the finger at Europe … where do the British belong? Where? So they're floundering around. I saw that the black rat hole of Barbados is about to kick the Queen off as their head of state. Yes, I feel nothing for the idiot Queen … they went and sided with all those black states … and now even the blacks are showing them the finger. If the British would just stick with Europe. But if I look at history, both Russia and Britain have, time and again, interfered with, and helped to smash the Europeans. I am so happy that EUROPEANS ARE STICKING TOGETHER. NO MORE INVASIONS OF EUROPE by Russia, Britain, the USA should be tolerated. It should be a BIG NO NO for all whites EVERYWHERE that NO INVASION OF EUROPE IS ACCEPTABLE. That's been going on for far too long. The Irish and the Scots are more sane than the English, but I think that Jewish money and the Rothschilds has made the English quite insane and they are constantly looking for the next quick financial fix … HOWEVER THERE IS NONE! Brexit was a dumb f*ck move, and all the realistic assessments of it is that Britain's economy will shrink. Maybe the Brits need to look at prostituting the Royal family or something to make extra cash. Those Brits need to learn the value of TERRITORY … TERRITORY and POPULATION instead of looking for Jewish cash. Wake up! Enter the real world. Think like the Romans, Germans, French and others FFS. Jan]

The reader made this very true comment:
No Jewier ‘White’ nation than the English-they are just hollow Britard Israelites with no European awareness whatsoever.

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Get a Free PDF Book: How to Master Secret Work
Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.

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