Pic: I just can’t get over the stupidity of this year of 2020: The Year of the Mask!
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Which Race is older? Jews or Whites (Caucasians)? What Science says
This is a meme I put together.
Which Race is older? Jews or Whites (Caucasians)? What Science says
This is a meme I put together.
I was just looking at this photo, and I burst out laughing:
These are Americans and Libyans meeting – military people.
Is this not stupid? Is this what life and science and progress has come to?
Truly, I think we’re living in the dumbest time imaginable.
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Vladimir Putin confirms Hitler & NAZIs were RIGHT: The original Bolshevik Communist Govt was JEWISH!
Speaking at Moscows Jewish Museum: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.
Vladimir Putin confirms Hitler & NAZIs were RIGHT: The original Bolshevik Communist Govt was JEWISH!
Speaking at Moscows Jewish Museum: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.