Breaking News: Russia: The Jew Prigozhin seems to be DEAD!!!! – PUTIN WINS!!!! – That’s the end of the Wagner Rebellion!
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[I think he made his last video yesterday. They say the private jet
just crashed, but according to the British it might even just have been
shot down. Whatever happened … he's dead! So we have a winner of the
Wagner rebellion. I wanted to do a video about it weeks ago, but I
decided to just leave things for a time so that I could see whether the
Jew Prigozhin wins or whether Putin wins or whether it's a draw of some
kind. The Jew Progozhin loses! Knock out blow to Putin. Putin's the
A general note:-
I see that Prigozhin has just died! Now we know the WINNER of the Wagner Rebellion! It’s Putin! But Suvorikin was the real brains behind it and the last time he was seen he was arrested and sent for "questioning". He’s NEVER been seen since. The only official statement regarding him is that he is "resting". Does that mean "resting in prison" or "resting in a grave?" He’s NEVER been seen since his "arrest for questioning". My suspicion is that he’s the brainchild and he’s been dead for long. Now Prigozhin joins him. Putin is the winner. That’s what happens when you go against the ruler of Russia!
2010: S.Africa: Julius Malema incited Blacks to rape, torture & murder Afrikaans farm owners
An Afrikaans farmer and his family fled South Africa after deciding to lay charges against Julius Malema. In his affidavit he said that 2380 Afrikaners had been murdered in the last 16 years and some had been tortured.