Books The Mare’s Nest by David Irving (1964)


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2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.

Twelve thousand German scientists and engineers laboured with sixteen thousand slave labourers to build the secret weapons that would reduce London to ruins: how close they came to success! Here is the full story written from secret British and German documents, and from the private papers of the scientists and war leaders who mounted the British Intelligence counter-offensive.

In Germany inter-service rivalry undermined the competing weapons projects until all were too late; and in Britain the most tempestuous dispute of the war thundered along the corridors of Whitehall, while senior defense scientists waged their personal battles.
For a year, the British War Cabinet was led to believe that the German rockets were a well-planned giant hoax, a ‘mare’s nest’ as the Prime Minister’s personal Scientific Adviser, the controversial Lord Cherwell, put it on October 25, 1943.

Here are the secret disputes and intrigues that rocked the War Cabinet for eighteen vital months of the Second World War. Here too is the full story of the heroic R.A.F. Bomber Command assault on the Peenemünde rocket installations.

This narrative of the tremendous duel between Hitler with his research scientists and engineers and the British Government with its Intelligence and Scientific experts and codebreakers, will enhance Mr. Irving’s reputation for brilliant investigation of little known aspects of the last war.

336 pages

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**Special Note
We Would Like to Thank David Irving for granting us permission to share his wonderful books, & all his life long work in the field of historical research.
Please Support David Irving, by buying a physical copy of this book at His Online Store

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Chart: Did Apartheid kill millions of blacks? Or did the Black population shoot through the roof?
We take a look at actual Black population growth before, during and after Apartheid.

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