Bill Gates’ next big scam: Can a Gates-Funded Vaccine for Cows Slash Methane Emission


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Video & Audio: What I learned about Whites by assisting Black Activists in Africa
This is about the difference between the struggles of the White Right compared to when you are among White Liberals. It is a completely different world, and here are things I learned from that time.This is about the very early years of my activism when wild things were going down in Zimbabwe and Whites were under attack and thousands of White farmers were being driven off the land.

In the world of climate change, some green enthusiasts assert that methane emissions from livestock, aka cow farts or “burps,” are severely negatively impacting the planet. The cow fart concern is so dire that some have even called for the totally eliminating meat-based diets, and transitioning to plant-based, only. But is that “solution” even workable? While the green stewards engage in debate over plant- versus meat-based foods, a start-up funded by….

You have to read the rest here:

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From Germany: Horst Mahler: The Wanderer‘s Redemption
Great News! This book has finally been translated into English! Reflections about Gilad Atzmon and World Jewry

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