BIGGEST Jewish Ponzi criminal of all time: Madoff victims to start 2021 with $190m payout by trustee


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[His punishment is so light. He seems to have even scammed people referred to him by other Jews. Whether they colluded is a whole other story. This guy stole money for ages. It seems as if the end result of this is tiny. I was under the impression that he robbed people of billions. Jan]

Financier Bernard Madoff leaves Manhattan Federal court March 10, 2009 in New York City. Image: Mario Tama/Getty Images) Financier Bernard Madoff leaves Manhattan Federal court March 10, 2009 in New York City. Image: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Victims of Bernard Madoff’s $20 billion Ponzi scheme are set to start 2021 with checks totalling more than $190 million, the latest instalment in loss-compensation payments from the trustee who’s been liquidating the con man’s business for more than a decade.

The 12th distribution in the long-running case includes more than $74 million in settlements and courtroom recoveries since the last payout in February, trustee Irving Picard said Wednesday in a statement. The payouts associated with 813 accounts will average $234 631 each and will boost total victim recoveries to 69.6% of approved claims, the trustee said.

“With our next expected distribution, we will have returned to customers almost 70% of the money stolen by Bernard Madoff, much more than anyone ever predicted,” Picard said.

Since Madoff’s New York-based firm collapsed in December 2008, the trustee has been reimbursing victims by suing investors who made money off the fraud by withdrawing more cash from their accounts than they put in. After the next payout, the total amount returned to victims will rise to $14.1 billion, he said.

A hearing on the plan is set for January 20 in US Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan.


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White South African Murders page: Murders of Whites from 1996 to 2016
On this page, are collections of the names and details of Whites who were murdered during the period 1996 to 2016. The true number of Whites killed in South Africa since 1994, is stupendous, and nobody has got even a fraction of all the names. But this is the most comprehensive collection that the Boere State Party has currently. My own attorney told me that he thinks 100,000 Whites have been murdered during Black rule.

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