Biden scumbag: Biden’s Bring Back Some Decency Speech: You Sexually Assaulted Me
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[Biden wouldn't know what decency is if it came and kicked him in the face. He's a piece of crap. Jan]
One of Joe Biden’s former Senate staffers has fired back after the Democrat president gave a speech about bringing “back some decency.”
Biden insists that he ran for president to “restore the soul of America,” despite pushing divisive rhetoric and policies since taking office.
“When I ran, I said one of the reasons I was running was to … bring back some decency and honor in the way we talk about one another, the way we deal with one another,” Biden said during a press conference on Friday.
Tara Reade worked for Biden in the 1990s when he served as a Delaware senator.
She accused Biden of sexual assault and said back in 1993 that Biden pushed her up against the wall and forcibly penetrated her with his fingers.
Reade alleges that Joe Biden used his resources to silence her and that “there has never been a proper investigation” into what happened.
After videos of Biden’s Friday remarks emerged on social media, Reade fired back.
“You sexually assaulted me when I worked as your staffer Joe Biden in 1993 then used your power and resources to silence me,” she said in a post on Twitter.
“Do NOT EVER speak of decency again.
“There has never been a proper investigation into your depravity. #BidenDestroysAmerica“
In a May 2020 interview with Megyn Kelly, Reade began by explaining how she was given a duffel bag and told to “hurry” up and give it to then-Senator Biden.
She caught up with Biden in a corridor in the Russel building to give him his gym bag and that’s when he sexually assaulted her.
“He greeted me, he remembered my name,” Reade said.
“I handed him the bag, and it happened very quickly.
“I remember — I remember being pushed up against the wall and thinking…the first thought I had was ‘where’s the bag,’ which is an absurd thought.”
“He had his hands underneath my clothes and it happened all at once,” Reade continued as she became emotional.
“So he had one hand underneath my shirt and the other hand I had a skirt on, and he like went down my skirt and then went up and I remember I was up almost on my tippy-toes.”
Reade told Megyn Kelly that Biden whispered something vulgar in her ear as he assaulted her.
Despite contemporaneous witnesses to back up her claims that Biden sexually assaulted her, the liberal corporate media had no interest in covering the story during the 2020 election cycle.
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