Attention: EVERYONE – I will be issuing a High Alert today…


Jan‘s Advertisement
USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.

A note to all my followers. I’m going to issue a High Alert today.

I’m going to do something unprecedented in more than 10 years.

The last time I did this was when I was running AfricanCrisis and I ran into serious problems.

There are things here in South Africa that concern me greatly.

I will explain more later.

But over the next 2 weeks … HIGH ALERT on my websites.

Please watch and be aware.


Jan‘s Advertisement
S.Africa: Black Man arrested for sex with uncle‘s goat
A man was arrested for bestiality after he was found having sex his neighbours goat ...

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