Anything to hit Whites: White Inferiority crap … at Kentucky University
This is a written analysis I did in 2021 and it contains links to other articles and also videos. I explain why China will be unable to conquer Taiwan and what the USA and it‘s Allies are capable of.
[It is just amazing how the Jews manage to twist every aspect of life and civilization itself. And here are people, clever academics, being told to accept WHITE INFERIORITY. Have you ever heard such insane nonsense? How many of these people will buy this crap? The insanity of these things knows no bounds. I see men need to almost apologise for mentioning that only women can get pregnant. All of this is beyond insane. We are moving into the world of Jewish non-reality. This is very bad. And people don't know up from down or left from right. Jewish Confusion and the Jewish Mind Worms are at work. Jan]
Workshop or WOKESHOP? University of Kentucky hosted $5,000 anti-racism seminar where deans and top faculty were taught to accept their ‘white inferiority’ and filled out pledge cards with steps to erase inequality
University of Kentucky faculty participated in the ‘Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mindset for Academic Administrators’ workshop last winter
The school paid $5,000 for the Center for Healing Racial Trauma to host it
It offered instruction on how to alleviate the effects of racism and prevent it
Faculty members were reportedly told to accept their ‘white inferiority’
They also filled out prompts about their ‘chosen metric for anti-racism,’ to whom they have chosen to be accountable, and the steps they’ve taken thus far
Details about the workshop were revealed this week amid a nationwide debate about ‘woke’ politics infiltrating America’s education system
PUBLISHED: 16:47 BST, 4 August 2021 | UPDATED: 18:04 BST, 4 August 2021
The University of Kentucky hosted a $5,000 anti-racism workshop where deans and top faculty members were instructed to accept their ‘white inferiority’ and filled pledges for how they will enhance diversity, equity and inclusion within their departments.
Titled ‘Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mindset for Academic Administrators,’ the workshop was hosted by the Center for Healing Racial Trauma last winter, and offered instruction on how to alleviate the effects of racism and prevent it.
Spearheaded by University of Kentucky psychology Professor Candice Hargons, the session involved faculty members filling out prompts about their ‘chosen metric for anti-racism,’ to whom they have chosen to be accountable, and the steps they’ve taken thus far to address it.
Fifty of the university’s faculty members attended the workshop, according to an invoice obtained by the Young America’s Foundation which revealed the Center for Healing Racial Trauma charged $5,000 to host it.
Details about the workshop were revealed this week amid a nationwide debate about ‘woke’ politics infiltrating America’s education system in a way deemed dangerous by many critics.
In one of the workshop prompts obtained by College Fix, Mary Davis, dean of the UK’s College of Law, pledged to ‘read more anti-racism literature,’ and ‘force myself to accept white inferiority.’
‘This one is really hard, honestly, ‘ she wrote.
In another, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Eric Monday pledged to hire more black, indigenous or people of color, with a minimum salary of $50,000.
Monday also pledged to ‘create a BIPOC recruitment fund of $250,000 per year for the next two years,’ and ‘hold executive team accountable to goal in annual review.’
In April, University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto acknowledged the workshop in a campus-wide email, after the Young America’s Foundation requested information on the workshop via a Freedom of Information Act request.
‘The important work at our university to create a more diverse and accepting community is vital. It must — and will — continue. We will not be deterred by these efforts,’ Capilouto stated.
‘We will not stand down in our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Implementation Plan, which involves faculty, staff and students across our campus.’
The foundation has repeatedly attacked the workshop, stating it depicts ‘how truly far-gone our universities are.’
‘These schools are absolutely terrified to have their critical race theory programming put under the spotlight,’ Kara Zupkus, spokeswoman for YAF tweeted in April.
‘As taxpayer-funded institutions, citizens have a right to know what is happening in closed zoom sessions and secretive emails pushing this nonsense,’
The push to teach critical race theory in classrooms has ignited an intense nationwide debate in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests and the introduction of the 1619 Project.
The 1619 Project, which was published by the New York Times in 2019 to mark 400 years since the first enslaved Africans arrived on American shores, reframes American history by ‘placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the center of the US narrative’.
The debate surrounding critical race theory regards concerns that some children are being indoctrinated into thinking that white people are inherently racist or sexist.
In June, a sociology professor at Penn State University raised eyebrows after he called on an ‘an average white guy’ student during a discussion about white privilege.
Dr Sam Richards, known for his provocative and popular lectures, had a packed auditorium for his June 30 class, as part of a course described as ‘an introductory class on race and culture’.
Richards marched into the crowd and chose at random a white student in a baseball cap and hoodie, who gave his name as Russell.
‘It doesn’t matter what he does. If I match him up with a black guy in class, or a brown guy, even, who’s just like him, has the same GPA, looks like him, walks like him, talks like him, acts in a similar way, has been involved in the same groups on campus, takes the same leadership positions, whatever it is … and we send them into the same jobs … Russell has a benefit of having white skin,’ Richards said.
It didn’t take long before critics on social media began accusing the professor of making students feel guilty for the color of their skin.
One Twitter user asked: ‘When is Dr Sam Richards going to resign his position to a black professor due to his white privilege?’
Another noted: ‘The saddest part is that the student answers that his skin color makes him sad.’
Then in July, Press Secretary Jen Psaki insisted the Biden administration made an ‘error’ by promoting a group that pushes teachers to ‘disrupt Whiteness and oppression’ in a Department of Education handbook.
Top Republicans have accused Biden of ‘another major flip flop’ in the wake of outrage over the DOE linking a citation to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s handbook in a lengthy document.
In her White House press briefing, Psaki echoed an earlier statement admitting to the error and appeared to distance Biden from the group even further.
‘The specific site does not endorse – does not represent – the administration’s view, and we don’t endorse the recommendations of this group,’ Psaki said, adding that the controversial mention has ‘been removed or in the process of being removed.’
Psaki said the federal government does not ‘dictate or recommend specific curriculum decisions’ in schools, a decision she maintained was up to state and local governments.
‘We believe the American people trust teachers to make those decisions, not the government,’ the press secretary said.
Professors at America’s top medical schools are being bullied by woke students into apologizing for using ‘transphobic’ phrases like ‘pregnant woman’ and ‘breastfeeding’
Reporter Katie Herzog spoke with one student at a med school in the University of California system who says instructors are too scared to acknowledge the existence of two different sexes because it ‘can be considered transphobic.’
The student – identified only as Lauren – shared her story with Herzog in an article published on Bari Weiss’s Substack blog on Tuesday.
‘I think there’s a small percentage of instructors who are true believers [in woke ideology], but most of them are probably just scared of their students,’ Lauren told Herzog.
Lauren claims that, in recent months, students have circulated a number of petitions designed to ‘name and shame’ instructors for ‘wrongspeak.’
In one of Lauren’s classes, which was recorded and posted online, a professor profusely apologized for using the term ‘pregnant woman’.
Lauren says the unnamed professor told their class: ‘I said "when a woman is pregnant," which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you.
‘I don’t want you to think that I am in any way trying to imply anything, and if you can summon some generosity to forgive me, I would really appreciate it,’ the professor states in the recording, which Herzog obtained access to.
‘It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone. The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive.’
‘Since recent petitions were sent out, instructors have been far more proactive about ‘correcting’ their slides in advance or sending out emails to the school listserv if any upcoming material has ‘outdated’ terminology,’ Lauren told Herzog.
‘At first, compliance is demanded from outside, and eventually the instructors become trained to police their own language proactively.’
In another recording obtained by Herzog, one instructor can be heard stating: ‘Biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender are all constructs. These are all constructs that we have created.’
Lauren says her college also uses an ‘online forum’ which sees students correct teachers who use language they find offensive.
Examples she shared with Herzog included professors being told not to use the terms ‘male’, and ‘female,’ and warned to use the term ‘chestfeeding’ instead of breastfeeding, to avoid offending transgender men who have given birth.
That forum can see students share their ‘suggestions,’ in real time, with one professor reportedly driven to tears after being upbraided for using ‘male’ and ‘female’ during one of their lectures.
Lauren also told of how students circulated petitions to try and pressure professors into complying with their linguistic demands.
On one occasion, they were angered by a staff member’s decision to use the pronouns ‘she’ and ‘her’, as well as the terms ‘father’ and ‘son,’ during a lesson on chromosomal disorders, with those words blasted as ‘cisnormative.’
‘Cis’ – short for cisgender – is a term used to describe someone who identifies as the gender they were born as, as opposed to a transgender person.
That petition is said to have yielded fast results, with the instructor quickly apologizing for using ‘binary’ language.
The same member of staff was also condemned for describing a transgender person as a ‘man changing into a woman’.
Students were angry that their teacher was suggesting the person wasn’t always a woman.
But Lauren was left mystified by the complaint, telling Herzog: ‘If trans women were born women, why would they need to transition?’
Meanwhile, a recent graduate from the Mount Sinai Medical School in New York also told Herzog that there was a preoccupation with sex and gender at that institution.
‘Everything was about pronouns,’ the student stated. ‘[But] it was impossible to push back without worrying about getting expelled.’
That graduate said many of their peers introduced themselves to patients with their pronouns, and asked for them in return.
Lauren says that there are real world implications for trying to erase the differences between the two sexes, as medical conditions often affect biological males and females differently.
She cites aortic aneurysms – which can be deadly – as one example. Males are four times as likely as females to experience an aortic aneurysm, but Lauren says ‘this very significant difference wasn’t emphasized’ during classes.
The trainee highlighted how crucial time is for her and her fellow medics, and said vital seconds could be wasted by trying to establish a patient’s sex.
Meanwhile, many medical experts similarly say that erasure of biological sex will have an adverse affect on patients.
Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
About ten or so years ago, my best Jewish friend one day told me that a very important black man has converted to Judaism but he refused to tell me the black mans name. This topic came up more than once, and he repeated this. Each time I asked him for the black mans name but he refused to give it to me. In this video, we look very closely at the extremely, uncomfortably close relationship between the President of South Africa and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, the top Jew, in charge of the Jews.