White Shop: 20 x George Lincoln Rockwell Stickers
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. These are about 3 inches by 3 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.
The White race has engaged in expansion as a direct result of what the Portuguese and Spanish did 500 years ago. This resulted in the rediscovery of North America, which Europeans have discovered and rediscovered again and again. Everything about America and Canada is nothing more than a mass racial exploration and colonisation and conquest of North America. Whites have also expanded eastwards, and the Russians are the most successful of the Eastward Whites. But North America is unquestionably the most successful colonisation of all time, with the USA being the most successful White nation and Canada being the 2nd most successful White nation. I’ve been going through American history and taking a closer look at America, and I find it INSANE that Americans think in some of the ways they do. America was COLONISED and CONQUERED by WHITES. White Americans fought at least 12 different wars which resulted in the creation of what we know as "America". All of American history PROVES THAT WHEN WHITES ARE RACIAL AND RACIST THAT THEY WIN. Examples: The French and the Spanish were OK with miscegenation, as were the Catholics (probably mostly in French areas like Quebec). But the Protestants, especially the English (and probably Germans, Irish, etc) too; did not accept miscegenation. When the Catholics had mixed race kids, they accepted them into society, but not the Protestants, especially the English and other Western/Northern Europeans. LOTS of NORTHERN EUROPEANS moved to America. 1/3rd of the population of Norway, moved to America for example. The Whites who ultimately gained control of America and became the most powerful force were the ones who did not mix their race away. The Spanish on the other hand created vast numbers of mixed race people across South America and Latin America. But, it was the "racist whites" (who were pouring in from Europe for decades on end), who smashed the Indians in a 300 year race war which only ended by about 1900. The Indians were defeated and their territory seized and then controlled. The only territory that American failed to conquer was Canada which was defended by the British Empire, the local Whites and the Indians. The backbone of Canadian resistance was Britain and the local Whites. However, White America expanded successfully into Spanish Mexico. 10 American states used to be either totally or partly Mexican territory. They are: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming,
Oklahoma, Kansas. Mexico under the Spanish was a 100% mixed-race Liberal society. Some of its leaders were PURE SPANISH, but you had Mixed race (Mestizos), and other indigenous people. White Americans fought this mixed race nation and defeated them multiple times. White America expanded and smashed back Mexico in the last 220 years. In the Mexican-American War (1846–1848) the US Army had Blacks, mostly as slaves and labourers, but the vast majority of the military force was White. There is no question that the broad picture of American expansion was based on Whites from Europe moving in large numbers to North America, and fighting the local Indians and expanding their territory. There was a lot of fighting that was no different to the wars of the Boers in South Africa. e.g. the Kaffir wars in the South East of South Africa were long standing clashes between Whites and the Xhosa tribe. Very similar things took place in America as Whites expanded westward. But ultimately, American history, is a European settlement, and the Colonisers then fight the locals and expand and in the end their GREATEST SUCCESSES ARE AGAINST EITHER AN ALIEN RACE (INDIANS) OR WHITES RUNNING A MIXED-RACE MULTICULTURAL STATE. They have their LEAST SUCCESSES against Whites+Indians backed by the British Empire. There were no presidents of America who were Blacks or Indians. America was a White society, led by Whites and run by Whites and they either had slaves or other hangers-on as a part of their adventures. But America was unquestionably a WHITE PROJECT and a WHITE ENDEAVOUR and it resulted in the greatest expansion and conquest of Whites, since the Aryans. (The Aryans are a special topic I will return to). There were lots of multicultural models in Latin and South America, where wealthy EUROPEANS (e.g. Spanish) controlled countries, but all of them later were peanuts compared to the power of White America. That is true to this day. I cannot see how anyone can believe that American history is proof that Liberalism and Multiculturalism works. This is complete hogwash, and it is not born out by a close study of it. Furthermore, the American model of conquest, is a model that Western Civilisation could use to conquer any other continent on Earth with. This model would work perfectly in Africa, or any other continent where we wish to expand our race into. The Berlin Conference in the 1880s divided Africa up between European nations and small groups of Whites seized the entire African continent in 20 years. The failure however, was that there was none of the mass migration into Africa by Europeans, like had happened in America. That is the only reason why Africa today is not like America. South America is the story of miscegenation. That’s the real story of South America where there is miscegenation and the rich, mostly EUROPEAN WHITES, run the mixed race country. These are the lessons we can learn from 500 years of conquest. Australia and New Zealand are also 100% colonial success stories.
Video: Re-Release: Rhodesia: I was there - Alex Linder Interviewed Jan
Life in Africa during a Rebellion against Britain! Alex interviews Jan about his life growing up in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush war which took place after Prime Minister Ian Smith declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) from Britain in 1965.