America needs a new Political Party – Enclave? – Message to Jan


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[Someone sent me this note. Ben Klassen and Rockwell and Dr Pierce realised that normal politics won't work in the USA (nor anywhere else actually). There ARE deeper problems. Jan]

This is the note I got:
Now in America,the jews control the bussiness and money,i think the only choice is bulid dixie’s own party,Enclave,the same in the Fallout,as the technology develop,we could use the choice to surpass the Gorvement,and have the first technology in the world.our enclave party should keep Right-wing Accelerationism and integrationism as the central task,i believe we could win the vote,become the ruling party.thats my little opnion,Saluto to all the fighter for Germanice,Dixie,and you heros!

I replied:
I’ve never heard of Enclave but I will post this. I hope you are racial. I will see what my followers think. But strictly speaking normal "vote fagging" to quote Alex Linder is not good enough. The problems with society, thanks to Jews and Liberals, is that there are deeper issues Whites must face so that Whites don’t easily get divided, etc.

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Video & Audio: Britain: Patriotic Talk chat to Jan about S.African violence & teaching Whites
This is an interview I did with some British guys in 2021, shortly after the MASSIVE July violence by the Blacks. This was the greatest Black violence in the history of South Africa.

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