America: Civil Rights and Equality – A Path White America went too far down – What of Dr Pierce?
White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
I just want to mention quickly to White Americans that in my view, the concept of Equality is a path where Whites have been pushed too far back. The Civil Rights Movement of the Jews, was a very bad thing and this dreadful thing sets a bad example for the Western world. This is where the European Empires and the British Empire never accepted equality. The Portuguese and French might have accepted some sort of Equality, but the British and Europeans, mostly never accepted this rubbish. This is not in line with reality and science. It’s something I need to deal with.
If anyone knows what Dr William Pierce said on this I’m curious. I can’t believe that Dr Pierce thought this was good. George Lincoln Rockwell would never have believed this in reality.
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