The Jewish Alliance of Misfits and Degenerates and sexual deviants aka Tolerance…


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Video: The Greatest White Wolf of the Internet Age: Viking Anders Breivik
After watching this video, I think you will understand why the Jews are working overtime in the USA to disarm white males...

I was chatting to an American I know well in the south about this Jewish weird creepy sexual crap and he wrote:
Jewish liberalism exalts the perverted and evil and vilifies the righteous and exalted.- because the only virtue they recognize is tolerance!

I responded: These people are creating an “alliance of degenerates and misfits” I tell you – right in our faces. They spit straight into our faces.

It amazes and astounds me how bold the Jews are and how well they have us all trained as a race and a civilisation. Jews would have the impudence to hold a glass full of urine in front of your face and tell you it’s rain water. In reality, they will be cackling behind our backs and LAUGHING AT OUR STUPIDITY that we actually listen to their total bull shit. The Jews are firm believers in BOLD BS. This is something else I saw from my Jewish friend. They think they are so clever and superior when they fool us like this.

In reality, I think the Jews are hunting for revolutionaries in normal western societies like America. So a good portion of the people who will listen to their nonsense ARE THE MISFITS OF SOCIETY. The degenerates. The Jews then embrace them and then market them and their cause to the masses. But deep down they’re looking for the MISFITS of society who HATE and will fight the normal White man and the normal White woman. That’s really the game here.

But it’s marketed under all kinds of BS terms like “tolerance”, etc. This is just garbage. It’s just nonsense.

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AfricanCrisis Archive - 110,000 Articles from 2001 to 2012
This is my archive of my oldest articles, writings and news from my original website which ran from 2001 to 2012. In total, I managed to recover 110,000 articles. You can read them, search them and view them at this link. Just click SEARCH on the top right.

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