All White Children are lost to Jewish Brain-Washing – The Unbelievable Efforts of Germans in Russia in WW2


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[This is from a note to a supporter. He was telling me about a former Waffen SS man he knew – who died quite a while back. And he knows his son. He complains that this son won't even listen to him when he tries to teach him. Jan]

I replied:

Don’t worry about the kids. All children are brain-washed and our race loses its own children.

EVERYONE loses their children to brain washing. It is hideous.

I have many thoughts about what we need to do. We’ve got to fight back on everything.

I am also currently reading yet another Wehrmacht account of the Eastern Front.

I could scream at the thought of what those Germans went through … and then they were destroyed totally.

It is so hideous what happened to them. And ALL of us are paying and will pay a horrific price for being stupid enough to go along with the ridiculous Jew-American-Anglo plan to destroy the Fuhrer.

Some of the accounts I’ve read of what Germans did, just leave my jaw hanging open. I am so sad, the rest of us were such bags of shit.

I will return to the eastern front. It’s not something I wanted to focus on, but I’ve got a bunch of memoirs about it written by Germans and since it was such a huge fight – the Greatest War in the history of the world. And when I read what the Germans did and the stories they tell and the insane hardships they put up with. There’s stuff in there the likes of which I’ve never read in the history of war. I thought I’d read it all.

We White men will have to pull our fingers out of our asses and get stuck into the war for our civilization.

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White Shop: Strategic Solitaire (one player) Board Game: The White Tribe: Rhodesias War
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