All Jews are FAKE CITIZENS in Western Countries…
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Video & Audio: An amazing lesson in Group Unity from a nasty WW2 Battle on the Eastern Front
In this video we look at a very strange and utterly nasty event that the German Army had to deal with in WW2 on the Eastern Front.
Video & Audio: An amazing lesson in Group Unity from a nasty WW2 Battle on the Eastern Front
In this video we look at a very strange and utterly nasty event that the German Army had to deal with in WW2 on the Eastern Front.
Jews are a parasite, as are Blacks. Whites solve all the problems. Whites create wonderful societies and all these worthless scum then want to get in on the action of being in a wonderful society that they are too cowardly to create and too worthless to run and they’ll never defend it. I think Jews and Blacks should NEVER be allowed to be CITIZENS of a White Nation. They don’t deserve any of those rights. Napoleon was raising this issue that they’re not real citizens and he wasn’t alone. It’s been raised many times. All Jews are FAKE CITIZENS.
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