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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
Please help Matt Hale. He was a Reverend in the Church of Creativity. Learn about the despicable story of what Jews did to him! He will be in jail for 40 years WITHOUT EVER HAVING COMMITTED A SINGLE CRIME!

An Afrikaans person asked me about my use of the term Atheist with regard to a Boer. Someone asked me about the Atheist I was referring to and they were asking if an Atheist is someone who doesn’t believe all the Bible. This was my answer regarding the Boer Atheist I was referring to: I’m referring to someone who is an ACTUAL ATHEIST. He doesn’t believe in the Bible or Christianity at all. I know him personally. I know a few such Boere who DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE OR CHRISTIANITY AT ALL – SOME OF THEM DUMPED IT DECADES AGO. They used to be Christians, some of them were even in the AWB. They don’t believe ANYTHING about Christianity AT ALL. When I use the term ATHEIST I mean that. I mean someone who doesn’t believe one word in the Bible and has ZERO interest in ANYTHING that Christianity teaches. I know several such Afrikaans people PERSONALLY.

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Audio: JEWS108: Jews are MANAGERS (Strategists), Whites are WORKERS, Soldiers, Scientists Tacticians
This is a follow up video from How Jews Think. In this video I discuss the class warfare of the Jews as an upper class with a work outlook of Managment versus whites, who almost universally are some form of High Quality Worker. I look at the different outlooks of these two groups and then examine the resulting clashes between then.

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