About those Massive piles of Jewish Shoes at Holocaust Museums…


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Video: Blacks and Jews sing about Killing Whites
This is a short video I found and posted a long time back. The white man in the green shirt standing next to Nelson Mandela is the Communist Jew Ronnie Kasrils. I actually spoke to him in the very early 1990s.

A note I sent to someone on Alex Linder’s Pieville.net about the massive piles of shoes you see at the Jewish holocaust museums around the world:

The shoes always bother me. I’ve even wondered if those shoes come out of some Jew’s warehouse. Jews also traded in clothing. Maybe they had warehouses full of old shoes and moved the shoes to these museums. That would not surprise me.

Also, a South African buddy of mine who went on a tour of the so-called “death camps” with David Irving about 2 years ago, told me that used phones to get pics high up of those shoes & realised that it is not an actual pile of shoes. You’re seeing an outline. Behind it its empty. You see what appears to be a huge pile of shoes! Not!

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