A Question about Photos of Western leaders including Trump with Jew Hats at the stupid wailing Wall in Israel


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[On social media someone sent around a photo of Trump with his little Jew rat hat on. The person then asked if anyone had evidence that Trump was Jewish. Jan]

This is what I wrote:
I have looked into this several times but can’t find anything firm except that his father was friendly to jews. All the Western leaders who go to the "wailing wall" – Roman Fort actually, can’t be Jews. I suspect that the Israelis ask them to go there as part of some ritual and I’ll bet the Jews tell them that as part of the ritual they must wear the little evil Jewish hat. However, the question is whether all Western leaders agree to this and whether others turn it down? I would like to know more about how this happens. Because, for Trump and all the others, you don’t see them wearing the evil Jewish hat on other occasions. Though I think I’ve seen Trudeau wearing it in a synagogue. I’m as curious about this as you.

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