A Note from a Canadian: The French seem broken … and drowning in Diversity in Canada


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Blacks bring Cannibalism and Witchcraft to Britain
Here‘s a story from Britain. This is how the Whites are being enriched by Blacks from Africa.

[This is from a note written to me by a Canadian. This is sad, because I liked the French Canadians a lot when I visited Canada. They were, to me, very energetic. I liked them a lot. It sounds as if, like southerners and South Africans, they too have taken a beating. Sad. But all Whites will have to learn to stick together despite the Jewish Diversity crap. Jan]

The reader wrote:
Hope you’re fine, here in Montreal they are really locking us up.

A lot of High positions are now occupied by Blacks. The white french are very fast disappearing, and when around, very shy. (Only 8 million of them) Just kinda drowning in the big pool of diversity.

From my slavic point of view, they Just gave up…not fighting back.

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Video: How Churchill made Americans hate Germans! Part 1
This was Britains greatest covert operation in its history, the British Security Coordination (BSC)! This is the real story behind the fictional character of James Bond.

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