A Canadian writes to me about Ukraine War, Jewish trafficking of White women, organ harvesting…


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2005: Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America
This is an American article I published on AfricanCrisis from another website.

[This is from an email a Canadian sent to me. I am aware that Ukraine and Russia were part of the same nation for centuries.  Jan]

Kiev is the original capital of Russia, they are not going to flatten it. Ukraine has always been Russian clay. They aren’t blitzing the Ukraine because they have no fight with them, the fight is with the Jews, NATO put in control of the Ukraine. Since 2014, NATO has violated the Minsk Agreement and committed flagrant acts of war against Russia. The Frankist Sabbatean Jews running the Ukraine have threatened Russia with; acquiring nuclear weaponry, joining NATO, and joining the EU which are all direct violations of the Minsk Agreement and a casus belli for war on Russia’s behalf. Someone has been running biological weapons laboratories on Russia’s doorstep. Someone was also working on a dirty bomb in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, so they wouldn’t be detected on the scanners. Ukraine has been running an organ harvesting program in the eastern Ukraine using their own wounded and captured pro Russian peoples in the region. The Ukraine has been shelling the Donetsk civilian populace for 8 years now. The Jews have always trafficked Ukrainian women to the middle east and It’s Not Real. Ukraine was warned in 2015 that they would get wrecked if they followed NATO down the garden path and here we are. The U.S. has no standing in this matter so all they can do is send proxy fighters and material. Russia just warned that arms shipments are obviously "legitimate targets". This so-called war is Wag the Dog. Our governments are occupied by women and they think they can wage a television war against Russia and slander their reputation, thereby gaining a victory.

The real story is, this is going to collapse our economies so the Great Reset can do it’s thing.

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Video: Video: Jewish Mind Poison: The End Times
The most damaging idea that can take hold of any person is the terrible concept of The End Times. For much of my life I believed in this dreadful idea. I was open to Christian prophecy and all other prophecy. I wasted a large part of my life trying to prove all these things true.

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