80X More Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots than Influenza Vaccines 2020 through 2022


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An examination of the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reveals that since the Fall of 2020 through today, people injected with COVID-19 shots die 80 times more frequently following those shots, than people who die after being injected with the flu shots.

Also, people receiving a COVID-19 shot suffer side effects 40 times more frequently than people who are injected with flu shots.

Here are the current stats in VAERS for people receiving a COVID-19 shot since they were issued an emergency use authorization in December of 2020. (Source.)

Here are the stats for the flu shots since September of 2020 (beginning of the “Flu season”.) (Source.)

To determine the rate of side effects and deaths suffered from these shots, we need the number of doses distributed for these time periods, and we find those numbers on the CDC website.

Total doses of COVID-19 shots distributed to date are 931,341,585. (Source.)

Total doses of flu shots distributed from September 2020 through December 10, 2022 are 527,610,000. Number of doses for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 flu seasons are found here, and total doses for the current 2022-2023 flu season through December 10, 2022 are found here.

Based on these numbers supplied by the U.S. Government, one person dies for every 2,284,026 flu shots, while one person dies for every 28,370 COVID-19 shots, which is a rate 80 times higher than the flu shots.

One person is suffering a side effect for every 25,217 flu shots, while one person is suffering a side effect for every 629 COVID-19 shots, which is a rate 40 times higher than the flu shots.

What is interesting about the CDC’s report on doses of COVID-19 shots distributed, is that even though 931,341,585 doses have been distributed, only 660,400,812 doses have been administered. So only 70% of the COVID-19 “vaccines” the U.S. Government has purchased have actually been injected into people. The other 30% presumably were discarded, or will be discarded after they reach their expiration date.

That of course makes the rate of people dying and suffering injuries following injections of COVID-19 shots even higher!

1 death per 20,117 shots
1 side effect per 446 shots
I do not know if statistics exist for the ratio of shots distributed to shots administered for the flu shots, which is why for comparison purposes we need to use the “shots distributed” statistics.

Governor DeSantis, Dr. Ladapo, and Other Florida Doctors are LYING About the Safety of Childhood Vaccines!

How about other vaccines that are approved by the FDA and part of the CDC childhood vaccination schedule?

At a recent event in Florida with Governor Ron DeSantis and his Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, several other doctors sat a round table to discuss how COVID-19 shots were harmful and should NOT be recommended for children. See:

Why Hasn’t Governor DeSantis Stopped the COVID Vaccines in Florida When He Admits They are Killing People?
However, some of these doctors that sat at the table told parents to not stop injecting their children with other vaccines, and told them that these vaccines were “safe and effective.” One doctor, Dr. Joseph Friaman, even emphatically stated that other childhood vaccines had nearly no side effects. He said that they were rare, “1 in a million.”

Let’s “fact check” this.

The U.S. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program keeps stats on the number of doses distributed for all FDA-approved vaccines that are on the CDC childhood vaccination schedule. You can view those stats covering the time period of 01/01/2006 through 12/31/2021 at the U.S. Government website here.

During those years, there were over 4 billion doses of vaccines distributed (4,093,221,119).

Next, we can do a search in VAERS to see how many deaths and side effects were recorded from these vaccines during that same time period. The results are here.

During these years, there were 553,216 injuries and deaths recorded in VAERS from all non-COVID vaccines. That means a side effect from these vaccines was recorded in VAERS for about every 7,400 shots distributed.

That’s a lot more than 1 out of a million, as Dr. Friaman claimed! And of course the actual numbers are much HIGHER than this, because a report contracted out by the U.S. Government in 2011 found that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS. (Source.)

Here is the list of the vaccine manufacturers from VAERS that produced these vaccines that caused all these injuries and deaths, and each of these companies, especially the ones at the top of the list, have a criminal rap sheet where they have paid out $BILLIONS in criminal settlements.

So these doctors admit the COVID shots are bad, but they want you to trust them that all other vaccines, produced by the same corrupt companies, are somehow “safe”?

They can’t even prove these vaccines are effective! Dr. Bhattacharya mentioned the polio and MMR vaccines, and these are two of the biggest scams in the history of vaccines!

No child is dying in the U.S. today from measles, but many do die and are injured from the measles (MMR combo vaccine) vaccine.

All cases of polio today come from the vaccines. Please educate yourself on these non-COVID vaccines and the tremendous fraud surrounding them.

Here is an article I published earlier this year on the polio vaccine, and when you listen to Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ presentation on the history of the polio vaccine, you will see much of the same fraud we just observed with the COVID shots. The playbook doesn’t change much over the years.

Also, the CDC has refused over the years to study the health of children who follow the CDC childhood vaccination schedule and are fully vaccinated versus parents who choose not to vaccinate their children, and for good reason, because unvaccinated children are clearly much healthier.

Source: https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/80x-more-deaths-following-covid-19-shots-than-influenza-vaccines-2020-through-2022/

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