5 Pics: White-hating Cuckold Leaders explain their plan for White-Genocide in their own words!


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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
I decided to look in Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to see what he said about the Boers. Few know of his obsession with the Boers when he was a young man. In Mein Kampf I found many references which indicated that Hitler had a knowledge even of the black tribes that live in South Africa.

[Here’s a fascinating post from Ann Kelly who is always pointing out the hatred against whites. Some great quotes here from cuckolds who need to end their lives swinging on the end of a rope or being lined up against a wall. That’s the penalty for TREASON! And its well overdue! Jan]


We whites must see to it AT ALL COSTS that we SURVIVE and THRIVE into the future! And this, white people, is how the end should be for these filthy, arrogant cuckolds…

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USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.

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