5 Pics: White-hating Cuckold Leaders explain their plan for White-Genocide in their own words!


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#HateSpeechHell: South African Censorship & anti-White Hell
Here are the crazy laws that White South Africans have to be wary of. You can go to jail so easily in South Africa.

[Here’s a fascinating post from Ann Kelly who is always pointing out the hatred against whites. Some great quotes here from cuckolds who need to end their lives swinging on the end of a rope or being lined up against a wall. That’s the penalty for TREASON! And its well overdue! Jan]


We whites must see to it AT ALL COSTS that we SURVIVE and THRIVE into the future! And this, white people, is how the end should be for these filthy, arrogant cuckolds…

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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

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