5 Pics: Hitler’s Jew-FREE, Economic Miracle! – Slashing German unemployment & turning the economy around with NOTHING!


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Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
About ten or so years ago, my best Jewish friend one day told me that a very important black man has converted to Judaism but he refused to tell me the black mans name. This topic came up more than once, and he repeated this. Each time I asked him for the black mans name but he refused to give it to me. In this video, we look very closely at the extremely, uncomfortably close relationship between the President of South Africa and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, the top Jew, in charge of the Jews.

[Hitler created many great things, but probably one of the greatest ideas of all was how to fund and run a government without needing Jewish bankers and international bankers! These ideas were based on the work of Feder. If this idea were to catch on among white nations the Jewish super-scams would be at an end! This alone, is one of the reasons why Hitler, the NAZIS and the Germans HAD TO BE DESTROYED! The Jews knew, this would end their global scams, mainly, of white people!

Here are some charts & memes that will give you a simple idea of the incredible feat Hitler pulled off!

Hitler came to power in January 1933. Take a look at what happened! Jan]

% % % % Public works spending: New houses, planting forests. Expansion of car industry: Removed tax on luxury cars and cut tax on gas. Autobahn.

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White Shop: Communist Safari 1979 Rhodesia Light Infantry T-Shirt
The Rhodesian Light Infantry was an all-White unit.

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