Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: The Incredible White Heroes of the USA: Rockwell, Bob Mathews & more

The photo above is of an incredible white man: Bob Mathews … one of the most incredible white Americans who

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5 Pics Swastikas & NAZI flags make you happy & healthy: Alfred Schaefer in Germany!

I really liked the background that Alfred had when we did this interview on 31st May 2018. I took these

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Video: German Boer Unity: Germans fighting back like crazy in Germany – 2 New Trials for Alfred

Here are some screen shots I took of Alfred when we did this interview. Here’s a happy, healthy German with

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Dr Pierce: A Very strange scientific fact about White men & White women…

[I found this fascinating. I spotted this in Dr Pierce’s book: “Who we are”, which is about us white people.

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Mainstream news report on Alfred & Monika Schaefer’s Trial – My Analysis of Critically Important Points

[This is the latest news report on Alfred and Monika’s trial. This is just a few hours old. I’ve not

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Excellent meme: German Ingenuity 1918 Vs 1945 – Do you still buy the Jewish Holocaust lie?

[This very simple comparison below will show you the utter ridiculous nature of the Jewish lies about the Germans. They

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Zimbabwe: 750 Elephants poisoned using cyanide! – Blacks sell Elephants & wildlife to China!

[This is from a recent newsletter by Johnny Rodriguez from Zimbabwe. The black commies don’t give a flying fuck about

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Canadian Professor Jordan Peterson (POS & crypto-Jew) HATES the White Right (& Germans!)

[When people told me about this awesome Canadian Jordan Peterson, I watched a bunch of his videos. He is a

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Sickening: Filthy Israeli Jewish “trans-sexual” was selected to abominate Euro-Vision Song contest & WON!

[This is what happens when you are kind to the Jew. The next thing you know the Jews are bringing

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Humor: 5 Memes: From Donald Trump to you! – How to make America GREAT again!

[I laughed at this Trump meme. Sadly, its true! Sadly! Donald Trump strikes me as a “team player”. That’s how

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