2016: A Former Mr Germany declared his own independent state & fought the Police & killed 1


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Wie is ons? Boere of Afrikaners? Antwoord van Dr Mike Du Toit
Ek het iemand gehad wat aan my geskryf het oor die onderwerp van Boere teenoor Afrikaners. Ek het besluit om Dr. Mike Du Toit te nader, wat die leier van die Boeremag was en ‘n professionele akademikus is wat baie goed ingelig is oor ons geskiedenis, om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Dr. Du Toit weet nie net van ons geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook van ons geskiedenis in Europa. Hier is sy antwoord.

[I thought this is cool. This is somewhat like our hero Dylann Roof, whom I’ve not forgotten. This man declared his house an independent state called “Ur” I think. He fought the Police and injured some of them and one died. Its never good to see whites shooting whites but this is how the Jews play the game against us – divide and conquer. This former Mr Germany clearly does NOT recognise the legal existence of the current Germany.

There was also another German who created a “fantasy state” called Germantia – or something like that.

What’s astounding to me is the determination and bravery of this man. As we should all learn, a single man making a stand won’t work. It didn’t work for Dylann Roof, it didn’t work for the Boeremag in South Africa who were planting bombs. But it does provide some inspiration of personal bravery and dedication. So one can NEVER take that away from these people. The bravery and determination of this former Mr Germany is something we should hold in high esteem. This man really did his own thing and he truly believes in his cause. ALL of us whites must become more determined. Jan]

You can read the original article in German here: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/-mister-germany–adrian-ursache-vor-gericht–ich-brauche-von-ihnen-keinen-freispruch–28850894

For those who can’t read German, here is a quick computerised translation that will give you some idea of what’s going on. This is all I had to work with:

“Mister Germany” Adrian Cause in court “I do not need an acquittal from you”

Halle (Saale) –

The car doors opened and then black figures stormed his property. “Like the gazelles, they jumped out,” says Detlef H., the father-in-law of Adrian Cause, who was charged with attempted murder, when the Special Task Force (SEK) approached the cause police.

Since the beginning of October, the former Mister Germany and later founder of the fantasy Ur state must answer before the regional court Halle, because he is said to have tried to murder an officer of the SEK with a targeted shot.

Trial against Adrian cause

But his family is with him, as the eighth day of the trial made clear. Detlef H. is outraged, but not over his daughter’s husband. But about the forces that stormed on August 25, 2017 not only the property of the family cause in Reuden (Elsteraue), but also the adjacent house that belongs to him and his wife. “One stood with an MP right in front of me,” says the 72-year-old, “it’s clear that they wanted to murder Adrian.”

Cause it hears leaning back on a radiator, now and then a smile on his face. For example, when his father-in-law makes it clear how he would have used to haunt people who attacked his house. Detlef H. is diabetic, he is walking on a crutch. “But I’ve been mining for 40 years,” he says, “I’d have taken my fists earlier.”

“Crutch over the jib”

He had to pay 800 euros in punishment for having told a SEC official back in August that he would “blow his crutch over” if he did not leave his property immediately. He did not. Detlef H. and his wife Heidi, who confesses in the witness stand that she heard “five identical shots” at that time and is still awake at night because they “did this to us emotionally”, were handcuffed and locked in a police car for eight hours ,

Adrian Cause has changed his process strategy. So far, the 43-year-old has tried to torpedo the procedure with bias motions, leaving the process to his defenders. Although he does not give up this time on a long talk at the beginning of the process.

Adrian Cause: “I do not need an acquittal from you.”

But after surprisingly declaring that the prosecutor’s office had proposed a deal that would eliminate the allegation of attempted homicide, he squats on his heater reading a Bible. He had rejected the offer, he had previously said and invoked his constitutionally guaranteed right of resistance and Hitler’s opponents of the White Rose. “I do not need an acquittal from you.”

The four lawyers next to him are better able to ask questions, police officer Heiko M. is the first to hear. M., actually chief of Soko Peißnitz in Halle, who had hunted a right-wing extremist stabber, was working as a clerk with the coordination of the preliminary investigation around the shots of Reuden.

Helm probably saved the SEK man’s life according to the indictment

He kept his helmet, which according to the prosecution possibly saved the SEK man’s life. And he secured five smartphones, from which pictures and videos were read out, which he classified then however as not proof-relevant. Defender Manuel Lüdke wants to know where the originals are. Deleted, says M., but there are still copies on the server of the police.

The smartphones, however, whose owners had refused to take back, he had “deleted and given to the lost property office.” Defense lawyer Martin Kohlmann wants to know if there has been a search warrant for the family H.’s house. No, admits M. “Then you’ve basically stolen that,” points out the lawyer, who is known in Saxony as the former Republican country chairman.

“State Plan” and “Reich Ur”

As if by the way, the criminalist then tells of a visit he had during the investigation from Bavaria. Colleagues, who there against the now convicted police murderer Wolfgang Plan determined, had shown him a paper in the plan “State Plan” and cause “Reich Ur” “military assistance” assured.

Plan, who injured and killed three officers in a police operation to confiscate his weapons in October 2016, was also in Reuden in August 2016 to help alleviate the forced eviction of his home. The process continues.



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Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.

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