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Video: The Two Emperors of the White Race
Napoleon & Hitler: Why did they succeed? I analyse & give the background to the ONLY 2 white men who united most of Europe & ruled most whites in the last 200 years.

Yesterday about 200 people participated in a respectful farewell ceremony for the deceased Flemish nationalist and professional soldier Jürgen Conings at Parking 4 of the Dilserbos in Dilsen-Stokkem. The local VLD mayor had banned it, but the police told the press that the ban could not be enforced: ‘The forest is open on all sides and cannot be closed off’, it sounded like. Indeed, an hour before the start, dozens of nationalists had gathered in the woods around the parking lot, ready to avoid any police action.

But that turned out not to be necessary. The police concluded an agreement with Luk De Gent, the person in charge of United, the network of concerned citizens: if they promised not to march into the woods, they would tolerate a serene tribute in the parking lot. That was an honorable compromise for the organizers.

The tribute started with the placing of frames and funeral wreaths with poppies, which were brought by a delegation from West Flanders. They were immediately supplemented by the people with candles, and solemnly saluted by the (former) soldiers present.

After a greeting by Luk De Gent of United, there were some speeches.

Rob Verreycken spoke on behalf of the Vrij Verzet partnership, which consists of autonomous groups of nationalists; Jürgen Conings was a member of the Limburg group, Flemish Legion.

Speaking from his legal background as a former lawyer, Verreycken denounced the violations of the rule of law in recent weeks: the neglect of the presumption of innocence, the large-scale violation of the privacy of Jürgen and his family by the government and the lying press, and the disappearance of freedom of expression.

“The Belgian regime has done great injustice to Jürgen Conings and his family. They have violated all the rules of the rule of law against them. But there is a great sign of hope. The people have made it clear to the regime with a Facebook group of more than 50,000 people that we believe that war hero Jürgen Conings deserved help and not a manhunt by foreign assassination squads here in the woods. Here in the forest, at the place where he was found, the people make it clear with flowers and candles and cards that we are grateful to him for his commitment to our safety. Jürgen Conings was not, and never has been, a terrorist; he was a hero.”

Then Tomas Boutens, the well-known nationalist and former soldier, spoke. He knew Jürgen personally, also from the army. He bore a moving personal testimony.

Jürgen completed many foreign missions, in countries and circumstances where the average person would rightly prefer to stay away. There are studies that indicate that exposure to war zones from 120 days onwards has permanent psychological consequences. Jürgen spent several years in such circumstances. All who have ever gone know how each one leaves behind a piece of themselves in those godforsaken places. There is no adequate supervision, no effective shelter, no organized decompression. Our men and women sent thousands of miles from here by politicians who are usually too cowardly to do such work themselves; when they return home they are too often changed in the depths of their being, weighted down; some things never leave them.

Today, Defense argues that mistakes have been made with regard to security screening, that so-called right-wing extremists should be better tracked down and banned. I also argue that Defense has made mistakes. Errors in the reception and guidance of its people.
Defence, the state, this country, to whom people like Jürgen have given everything, they have failed Jürgen, abandoned him, and in the end denounced, reviled, besmirched, intimidated and imprisoned his family and neighbors. And Jürgen is not alone… How many suicides have there been in the past few years among the ranks of servants and old-timers? How many sons and daughters of this People have been abandoned by the state they served, the state that demands allegiance without ever giving it itself? Sons and daughters who carried arms far from home, are they really worth so little and so negligible?’

This was followed by an impressive tribute: although only silence was requested, the hundreds of attendees spontaneously knelt on one knee in respect for Jürgen Conings.

This concluded the meeting and the participants left the parking lot. Many of them, however, stayed close and in the course of the afternoon visited the site where Jürgen’s body was found. That place has since become a place of pilgrimage for the people, where tribute is paid to the brave soldier.

Below the photo gallery you will find the video of the speech by Tomas Boutens.

Source: https://reactnieuws.net/2021/06/28/jurgen-conings-200-vlamingen-op-verboden-afscheid/

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