2 Photos: The Last Living member of the American NAZI Party died in 2021 – Jews Killed George Lincoln Rockwell


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White Shop: AWB 3-G shirt (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Afrikaner Resistance Movement)
Since its founding in 1973 by Eugne Terre‘Blanche and six other patriotic Afrikaners, it has been dedicated to secessionist Afrikaner nationalism and the creation of an independent Boer-Afrikaner republic or ‘Volkstaat/Boerestaat‘ in part of South Africa.

[Captain Bernie Davids, was the last living member of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American NAZI Party. He died in recent months. I think he died on the 15th September 2021, at the age of 80. He was born on January 16th, 1941. His proper name was Bernard Davids. He was one of George Lincoln Rockwell’s original NAZI party members. In his later life he was a ship’s Captain. When I went to the USA in 2019, he was one of our guests at the Fash Bash. I also stayed with him for about 2 weeks at his home. He had quite a massive collection of books and newsletters. He donated lots of his Rockwell stuff to a University. In the photos below, from the American NAZI Party’s Hate Bus, in 1961, he is the tall guy on the far right with the dark glasses. The Hate Bus was one of Rockwell’s coolest ideas. I am still a big fan of Rockwell. That man tried his damndest. And the Jews assassinated him. When I stayed with Bernie, we spoke at length about many topics, but he told me in detail about Rockwell’s death. He was even at the trial. He told me that the official story is TOTAL NONSENSE. That there were 2 sets of footprints from the roof of the building where Rockwell had been shot. The official story is that Rockwell was killed by one of the guys from his own American NAZI Party. THAT IS NONSENSE. Bernie told me that Jews boasted that they were going to KILL several “Racists” in America, in that year when Rockwell died. They injured one man, but Rockwell was the only death. So the physical evidence that Rockwell was murdered by one of the NAZIS (named Patler), is total rubbish. It’s a complete lie. Patler was actually a Greek guy and he was one of the most dedicated of the guys in Rockwell’s team. He did most of the work on their newsletter. The Jews went after Rockwell TWICE, just like they did with Dr Verwoerd in South Africa. Jan]

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