Zimbabwe Govt kills blacks who pan for Diamonds – US$15 billion in diamond revenue “disappears”!


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(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).

[Years ago, when Mugabe was still in power I came across references where the Govt used helicopter gunships to kill blacks who were mining illegally. These mines were opened up in recent years when Mugabe was struggling and the country was failing. Foreign Western companies came and searched for valuable minerals. They found diamonds. The black Govt seized total control of the diamonds as a means of trading them with China and Israel. Any black who tries to go looking for diamonds in this area is killed.

This is yet another example of how Western nations, with their Liberalism come and assist evil dictators in Africa and keep them in power when they would easily collapse and the blacks and whites would win a victory and change things for the better.

Notice also how a staggering US$15 billion in revenue “disappeared”. As I’ve said before these blacks in power are stinking rich – beyond almost anything that whites would ever have had. This is the payback they get for working with International Communism and Jewry.

Despite Mugabe going, the killing still continues because the “new Govt” is actually the same Govt that existed all along. All that has changed is that Mugabe left and his 2IC took over.

This is of course the nightmare that has come to what was once Rhodesia. None of these things happened under “racist white rule”. Back then Rhodesia’s economy was the same size as that of Malaysia. Go and compare them now! But the White Liberals/Jews/Communists will all say that Zimbabwe is an ‘improvement’ over Rhodesia! What total nonsense! Jan]

‘Chiadzwa diamond field killings are state-sponsored’

Civic society groups in Zimbabwe claim that state-sponsored violence is taking place at the Chiadzwa diamond fields as the government attempts to keep illegal dealers and panners at bay.

The Centre for Natural Resources Governance‚ a research and advocacy civil society organisation‚ said government was behind human rights abuses in the area‚ hence perpetrators were going unpunished.

“All the killings in the mining sector are sanctioned by the state‚” Farai Maguwu‚ the organisation’s executive director‚ told a media conference in Harare.

Last year‚ then Manicaland Province governor Mandy Chimene‚ at a policy dialogue meeting with the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (Zela) in the area‚ confirmed running battles between the state’s security details and panners who went into the restricted area.

According to the Chiadzwa Community Development Trust‚ since July 2017 there have been at least 15 confirmed deaths and 256 cases of aggravated assault.

The organisation claims some cases go unreported because of fear.

In February 2015‚ government stopped private companies Anjin‚ Diamond Mining Company‚ Jinan‚ Mbada Diamonds‚ DTZ Ozgeo‚ Rera‚ Gye-Nyame‚ Kusena and Marange Resources from operating‚ with the intention to have the government-owned Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) take over.

With not much official mining in the area‚ Mutare‚ a city about 60 kilometres from the diamond fields‚ has become a centre for diamond dealers.

Speaking before a parliamentary portfolio commission on mines and energy‚ Prosper Mutseyami‚ legislator for the nearby Chipinge District‚ said some houses had become trade centers.

“There has been massive mushrooming of diamond trading syndicates in Mutare and there are allegations that most residential houses‚ especially those in the leafy suburbs of Mutare‚ have since been converted into illegal diamond trading centres‚” he said.

Zimbabwe’s diamond sector is entangled in corruption‚ sucking in senior ranking government officials.

Former mines minister Dr Obert Mpofu last week appeared before the same mines and energy commission but refused to answer questions relating to an alleged US$15-billion in revenue from diamonds that went missing under his watch.

A Harare businessman‚ Lovemore Kurotwi from Canadile Miners‚ at the same meeting‚ said diamonds worth US$150-million were seized from his company safe by the state in 2012 and were never returned.

He also accused Mpofu of demanding a US$10-million bribe.

With Zimbabwe ranked 159 out of 190 countries in the ease of doing business rankings‚ corruption and rent-seeking are key factors.

Last month‚ a weekly newspaper reported that Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote lost interest in Zimbabwe after cabinet ministers demanded kickbacks during Robert Mugabe’s tenure.

Source: https://bulawayo24.com/index-id-news-sc-national-byo-129150.html

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Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.

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