WHITE COVID REVOLUTION COMING SOON: Whites WORLDWIDE are getting angrier and angrier…


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I have been coming across more and more videos made by Whites in different countries where they have had a guts full of this COVID crap. I was astounded to see videos from nurses even in Jewish Britain and Scotland. I am astounded at the anger. I even saw where a White Canadian man was issuing a warning to the leader of the state of Ontario.

We could be heading towards a type of revolution thanks to this COVID crap. There are growing numbers of Whites who live in countries, including Anglo countries, where people are more or less sheeplike … well these people are getting ANGRY.

Plus there are some deaths and illnesses, etc … And people are getting ANGRY over this.

I will post a bunch of videos. But never in my life have I seen such angry Whites in so many countries which previously were all sheeplike. And they are ANGRY … and they are angry over money … losing their income and jobs.

But the TRUTH is driving lots of people.

I think COVID is going to send people over the edge like never before.

This COVID crap, driven by this cunt, Bill Gates, is going to push people over the edge.

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