Video: Jews & Jews: Which one is lying MORE? Ukraine’s President Zelensky Accused of Embezzling Western Aid Mo ney


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S.Africa: Oprahs Embarrassing Girls school could end up expelling more
One of the Black girls was sent to Tara Hospital which is basically a mental institution. Oprahs, school had many problems... later they just did everything in secret and there‘s a lot of security. It still exists.

[We have TWO Jews here. The one is the journalist Jew Hersch whom lots of people love because he says that the USA blew up Nordstream. Now the Jew says that the Jew Zelensky stole $400 million last year. I had read earlier last year that the Jew Zelensky is stealing $1 billion PER MONTH – and that may now be more. So this makes it very weird. Is the Jew Hersch telling us Zelensky is crooked but not as crooked as he might be? Make of it what you will. In this video, they continue on to the whole Russian beheading story. I stay out of atrocity stuff. I don't concern myself with these atrocities or war crimes. To me, this atrocity story works MASSIVELY FOR THE UKRAINIANS. But is it true? It might be Ukrainian dis-info. Even the EU says they don't know if it's for real. And I think until experts have studied the footage properly we don't know. I think this is VERY LIKELY Ukrainian dis-info. I don't necessarily trust the Jew Hersch. But this is a war and disinformation is at a very high level because we are in a VERY CRITICAL PHASE. The Ukrainian Counter Offensive is the key event to watch this summer. This will determine to a large degree where this war goes. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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