Video: JEWS AT WORK: UK PM Liz Truss NO TAX on the Rich and the Bankers – Common people must take the PAIN! – My Comments: Hitler was the BEST!


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Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
NB: This video was banned off Youtube in December 2016. This is part 1 of the fabulous little book: The Great Jewish Masque, written in 1936. This little book makes a fascinating study (dont miss parts 5 & 6). The mysterious author of this was EXCEPTIONALLY well-versed in the history of the Middle East & the Jews. (Modern scientific research confirms most of what he wrote but well return to this later in the series).

[Why is Liz Truss letting the Rich get richer? No tax on the rich. No tax on bankers. I'm telling you the JEWS are at work. But this crazy White woman will kick normal White Brits in the teeth. It is interesting how desperate the UK is. This is because we all function on bizarre economies and Jewish economics that makes no sense. It's something I ponder more and more and Hitler's National Socialism was the best method and the only sane way in fact, to run an economy. The Italians were 2nd best. Both those methods are far superior to this Jewish crap we live in. Watch this analysis. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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From Germany: Horst Mahler: The Wanderer‘s Redemption
Great News! This book has finally been translated into English! Reflections about Gilad Atzmon and World Jewry

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