Video: JEW HAG FREAKOUT: Rachel Maddow Having A Meltdown After Trump’s Win In Iowa


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White Shop
I‘ve fixed the shop. This is my little online shop that I set up in 2019 as an experiment. I‘ve revived it and will be adding new products weekly.

[I detest this Jewish hag. She's freaking out over "our democracy" "fascism" blah blah. Why doesn't the scumbag just leave America? Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Get a Free PDF Book: White Power (1967) by George Lincoln Rockwell
This is the original book written by the late, great George Lincoln Rockwell, the US Navy Pilot who founded the American NAZI Party.Rockwell was the most determined White American who lived in modern times. He was patriotic to America and totally patriotic to the White Race. He supported Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. The Jews sent snipers to kill him and on the 2nd attempt they killed him.

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