Video: How Hitler & 2 German Military Geniuses defeated Europe’s strongest army (France) in 40 days! Part 1


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Video: Creativity: Ben Klassens Autobiography: Against the Evil Tide
At the beginning of this book, I discuss why I think its excellent and some of the things that blew me away and impressed the hell out of me. This book is very long, but you can randomly listen to any part of it.

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In this video we look at the trap the Jewish-controlled powers (Poland, UK & France) laid for Adolf Hitler. The idea was to invade Germany from the West while the entire mass of the German army was in Poland. The French invaded the Saar region with the intention of hitting Germany from behind. This was also the period of “the phoney war” as the British like to call it.

We look at the superiority of the French army, the Maginot line and even their big powerful tanks over those of the Germans.

So how was it that Hitler and the Germans survived a BIG TRAP? We study the military and political genius of Hitler.

If Britain and France were convinced the Germans could beat them, why didn’t they then make peace during the 8 months following the German victory in Poland? Clearly they were sure they could handle a German attack on France.

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Zimbabwe: Cops hunting for a Black man who had sex with his neighbours Donkey!
If you think we whites have problems, you have no idea what the blacks get up to. Some years ago I came across stories of blacks in Soweto, South Africa having sex with dogs. In this story, Police in Zimbabwe are looking for a Gutu man who was caught having sex with his neighbour‘s donkey.

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