Video: EXCELLENT Song: Get off the (Jewish) Hoax Train by Graham Hart


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Boer Cartoon: When you give some people a brick
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[This is one of the best songs that has come out of the Alt-Right. Its right up there with Alison Chabloz’s excellent song: Survivors!

Graham Hart in the UK did this. This song says: Goyim of the World, wake up, you’re on a HOAX TRAIN (of the Jewish holocaust).

NB: NB: The photos and the film footage in this video IS ALL FROM AUSCHWITZ, which the lying Jewish scum refer to as a Death Camp. It shows Jews on the stage, the swimming pool, dentists, workshops, the Jewish soccer team, etc, etc. This is genuine WW2 film footage from Auschwitz! This is what Auschwitz was really like!

Enjoy the song! Jan]

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