Video: Did Donald Trump ever say this about White South Africa? – I’m skeptical


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Jews by Hilaire Belloc (1922)
This is one of the greatest analyses of the Jews that has ever been done. This book was published in 1922.Hilaire Belloc was a very prolific French writer and thinker. A wonderful aspect of this book is that it contains information about the Jews and their hideous deeds (e.g. in Russia) which Jews have tried very hard to completely remove from history. When you read this book you will realise that in 100 years, absolutely nothing has changed. He also hints at the Jews being behind the ‘South African War‘ (i.e. The 2nd Anglo Boer War).

[Folks, feel free to use the comments on this article. I know I’ve not been looking at comments, but I’m keen to get feedback on this one. Bear with me, I’m busy and working as hard as I can and soon you’ll know what I was up to! But for this video, feel free to drop comments. This is a short 3m video. It claims Donald Trump said these things about White South Africans. I don’t believe this to be so.

But if you have more info and can guide me then please do so.

PS: Maybe modern whites are just playing a Jew game, and Jewing the Jews with their own fake quotes? That may be so. If so, we need to win… at all costs, by any means. Whites, just fight forward for your race… JUST F*CKING DO IT! 14/88. Jan]

Did Donald Trump say the things claimed in this video?

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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.

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