Video & Audio: TeamWhite 2023 No 3: US Banking crash, Alfred in Germany & SA Secession


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Video & Audio: Loving Life: Jans personal discussions with President PW Botha
In 2006 as a result of my book, Government by Deception and my website AfricanCrisis, I made contact with former President PW Botha. He was very nice to me and he began phoning me. I published articles of things he told me about. He was so impressed with my accuracy when I wrote on my website what he told me, that he later invited me to stay at his house for 5 days. In this interview, I discuss some of the things that PW Botha and I discussed, and what he told me.

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In this show we discuss how Secession in South Africa is gaining a lot more support especially among Whites. We also discuss the increase in stabbings and other nasty things the anti-White invaders are doing to the Germans. We also discuss the US Banking crash and various other things, including the crazy secret of a plane crash in South Africa during the time of Apartheid, where the Black President of a neighbouring country died! I also ask Alfred how he’s doing in the legal hell hole that is modern Germany – thanks to punks like Churchill!

This show was recorded on: 2023-03-23.

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Video: JEWS101: Whites colonised Blacks; Jews colonise Whites! - Introduction to the Jewish problem
This short video is an introduction to the Jewish problem between Whites and Jews.

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