Video & Audio: Africa Today will be America Tomorrow: Interview: Caravan to Midnight: John B. Wells & Jan


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Die Boere Staat Party - Kontak Ons
Hierdie is die Kontak ons-bladsy vir die Boere Staatsparty.

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This is a show that I did quite some time ago that I never got round to putting online. I was on the show Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells who is very knowledgeable and had even been in South Africa. He fully grasps that what is happening to Whites in South Africa will be happening in America.

I don’t know if he is around any more of if his show has even continued. I tried to contact his people later without success.

Recorded: 2021-08-17.

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2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
This was an article I published from a White pathologist in S.Africa. AIDS and TB combine to kill lots of Blacks. The pathologist sent me some really interesting info in this article.

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