Very Important: S.Africa: The Beginning of the End of the New South Africa – Black Communists: The MK Party had a huge turnout in Soweto


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Black lies from 2006: Zimbabwe: Only 200 White Farmers paid of 4,000 Rest paid in 2010? Oh Yeah?
I posted this in 2006. The Blacks had stolen 4,000 farms out of the 5,000 that were there. They lied about paying the White Farmers. You can read my skepticism and the news from 2006.

Here is something very important that has been going down in SA in 2024, and this has huge potential. This can, and will change South Africa in the future.

The most important event in S.Africa is Jacob Zuma and the MK Party. They had a big turnout at Orlando Stadium in Soweto recently. This is really important. The MK party is critically important. We need to see how they do, and how Malema does. The MK party is the only Black party not funded by the Jews – so the DA and the Mass Media scream about them. They’re not NICE or good for us – but they will come into conflict with: The ANC+DA+Jews+Liberals – while they also hate us and want to smash us. I like MK for this reason: This is the beginning of THE END of Black South African politics as we know it.

Zuma’s main support though, is only in Natal, and then secondly Johannesburg. That could explain the big turnout at Orlando.

Here’s the crux: This is about Blacks fighting Blacks, and this will get worse as time goes by. This can lead to the beginning of the break up of South Africa and to various forms of Civil War.


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S.Africa: Black man has sex with his 3yo Granddaughter
The Black guy said that this was cheaper than paying a prostitute! WTF? Read it for yourself!

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