Sexual compromise and dirt: All Documents in the Doe v. Trump Lawsuits


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Africa: Witchcraft fears: Newborn babies bashed to death
Blacks in Africa believe the craziest Witchcraft nonsense. In this story you will see the kind of junk they believe and then if need be they kill their own babies.

[Here is a link to one, of several places, where you can see the documents. Make no mistake there as raw agenda's against Trump, but I don't think Trump is clean. Trump knew and liked the Jew pedophile Epstein. He clearly was a GOOD FRIEND OF EPSTEIN. Was Trump at sex parties with the Jew pedophile Epstein? I think it is a virtual certainty. Jan]

Here are the documents:

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Audio: JEWS107: How Jews think: Emotional Vs Logical Thinking & its consequences for everyone
This is a very important lesson, and it may contain unique observations from my own analysis of these people. In here, you will also learn why Jews are masters of religion, and why that works for them. Christians do not stand a chance against Jews. Jews focus on winning, and Jews will outwit Christians and most whites with ease.

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