S.Africa: White couple stabbed to death on KZN South Coast


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Zimbabwe: 10,000 Blacks starved to death after White Farmers were chased out
2004: The Black Government denied that Blacks were starving to death. Here a Black Bishop gave some statistics. In here you‘ll read about nasty events that were hidden from the world.

[The murders don't stop. Jan]

DURBAN: Police are investigating the death of a elderly South Coast couple who were found dead in their home at the weekend.

Police spokesperson Captain Nqobile Gwala said the Port Shepstone SAPS attended to a complaint of a double murder at Umtentweni area and proceeded to the scene on Saturday at around 12.15pm.

“On arrival, they found the bodies of a 67-year-old man and 60-year-old woman with multiple stab wounds in the head and neck.

“On investigation, the police noticed that the house was ransacked and forced entry was used to gain access.”

Charges of murder and house robbery were opened at Port Shepstone police station for investigation.

In a tribute, Ryan Ringo, the chairperson of the Port Shepstone Country Club, described Murray Ross and his wife Julie as pillars on the South Coast.

“They were ambassadors in the business world. Murray was the previous chairman of the club and he played a fundamental role in helping the club survive during the first lockdown.”

Ringo described Julie as a breathe of fresh air, always willing to lend a ear.

“They will be sorely missed, and we pass our condolences to all their family and friends in this time of need.”


Source: https://www.iol.co.za/news/kzn-south-coast-couple-stabbed-to-death-were-ambassadors-in-the-community-03cc5cd0-9f89-4deb-a250-8a59ffd66311

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RAHOWA means: ‘Racial Holy War‘. Ben Klassen in America invented that term.Ben Klassen is a brilliant German-American who began to worry about the future of White people in the 1960s. He is also the author of The White Man‘s Bible.

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