S.Africa: Crime: Drug Lords: Police make inroads into illegal drug trade, Port Elizabeth


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This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.

[These seem to be small time Drug Lords. Jan]

Drug Lords who undermine the rule of law by illegally plying their trade must be arrested and their drug activities halted so that the future of our communities can be restored. Police in Port Elizabeth have adopted a zero tolerance stance against illicit drugs.

On the night of 7 January 2021, in the Northern areas, large quantities of drugs were seized in different raids by members of the Anti-Gang Unit (AGU) and SAPS Bethelsdorp members.

At about 15:10, as AGU members stopped in front of house in Bloemendal, a male was seen running from premises. The members chased after him and arrested him. In his bag, various drugs (tik, mandrax, dagga and cash) was found. The 25-year-old suspect was detained on a charge of possession of drugs.

Between 18:50 and 20:30, SAPS Bethelsdorp members arrested three suspects in separate incidents for possession of drugs in Vastrap, Booysens Park and Ext 28 in Bethelsdorp. All three males aged between 21-18 will appear in the respective courts ‘soon on a charge of possession of drugs.

At about 21:15, AGU members executed a search warrant at a house in Harrington Street in Salt Lake where 8 large plastic bags and 10 small plastic bags of cocaine were confiscated. The value of the cocaine is R6 500-00. A 28-year-old male was arrested for dealing in drugs.

Also at about 23:00, AGU members executed a search warrant at a house in Barberry Drive. A large quantity of tik, 37 small packets of tik, 15 mandrax tablets, 33 rounds of ammunition and a firearm magazine was found in the yard. The total estimated street value of the tik is R350 000-00. No arrest were made.

Acting Mount Road Cluster Commander, Brig Thandiswa Kupiso has vowed that these intensified investigations into major drug hotspots will continue until our communities are drug free and safe.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/eastern-cape/police-make-inroads-into-illegal-drug-trade-port-elizabeth/

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