Nordic Resistance Movement: The only White organisation that stands up to Jews since Rockwell


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Jan‘s Videos about the Portuguese
Here is a list of most (but not all) of my videos about the Portuguese...

This is a comment from one of my readers:

These are the ONLY whites who are doing anything active in the jews face. All other whites are "keyboard warriors" the jews laugh at. Unfortunately Lincoln Rockwell was the last white man the jew was actually afraid of.

You can send Nordic Resistance Movement Bitcoin support at their wallet:


Try to send NRM some funds monthly since they are the ONLY whites left with the cajones to take on the jew parasites in their lair.

A good plan for whites to help those in the front line is to try to send them 1 dollar per day, $30 per month or whatever you can afford. Send Cash or Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash. Give them the funds to operate.

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The Boer State Party
From Jan: This is the ONLY political party in South Africa that I will support. I have met their leader and know their history. *ALL* other Political Parties in SA are a total waste of time for Whites. This political party cares about Whites. They say: We fight for our People‘s Freedom and Safe continued existence in the new South Africa!

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