From Jan: The Latest on the Email problems…


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16 Pics: A Jewish Communist assassin stabbed S.African Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to DEATH!
Dr Hendrick Verwoerd was the Prime Minister of South Africa. He was *HATED* by the Jews and is regarded as the main creator of Apartheid. Apartheid was White Racialism whereby all Whites (Afrikaans and English) ruled SA together. Verwoerd was unquestionably the Greatest White leader in the history of SA. Jews had him killed.

About the email debacle. I’m watching and monitoring the situation several times per day, and sometimes I need to make fixes or tweaks to my programs.

I have an online mail server that is busy cleaning up the mailing lists as much as is allowed per day. It’s gone through about 40% of the emails. It will take about 2 weeks to finish this process.

I also have a dedicated PC at home that I’m using to try to assist in the sending out of emails.

The whole process is limited by the "punishments" that are dealt out by Google, Yahoo and other mail servers. If I send too much stuff too fast, or there is some "error" (by their judgement) then they punish me and stop the emails altogether.

So it’s a tricky dance as I learn the rules. But I’m getting there.

I’m trying each week to speed up the number of emails that go out each day. This is working. But the process is slow.

Fixing and improving emails so that I can get emails to everyone will take months.

I’m determined to do it.


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Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.

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