From Jan … My BIG Video Series: The White Tribe of Africa … starts … TOMORROW!!!


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Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.

I’ve been working like a lunatic to finish this before I go to the USA next week.

I’ll release the first of my 3 part series – my WTA – White Tribes of Africa series. In it I will reveal 3 big secrets … almost none of which Whites in Africa even know … about secret plans our governments had … and how we almost won and kept southern Africa WHITE!

I will release all 3 videos before I jump on a plane to the USA and Canada.

You have a LOT of video watching to do.

You’re going to learn a LOT of stuff about southern Africa which even Whites and Afrikaners here don’t even know!

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