Don’t buy into the Jewish lies that Hitler was driven by EMOTION and HATRED…


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Video: S.Africa: Untold Story: When Whites tried to build tens of millions of houses for Blacks
In this video I show some private photos that I have and I tell the story of how many times Whites set out to build millions of houses for Blacks in South Africa even under Apartheid, and how the ANC ruling party was spiteful and how they DESTROYED the efforts of the Whites.

Don’t buy into the Jewish crap that Hitler was stupid or deficient. Far from it. He was a bookworm. He read like crazy and he was like a walking computer – just like Napoleon. He was a computer in human form.

Also, don’t buy into the Jewish crap that Hitler was driven by "hatred" and various EMOTIONS. Hitler was not emotional. Under the extreme stress of the war, later, he had his moments of anger with his Generals and they do describe that he could get angry and worked up. But generally, for a vast majority of the time, Hitler was very logical and very level-headed. It took insane amounts of stress to make him take strain. 90% of the time, he was extremely and TOTALLY LOGICAL.

My Boer NAZI pal used to make the point that Hitler did not propose EMOTIONAL SOLUTIONS to the Jewish problem. What he did and proposed was all very logical and clearly thought out. His real plan was to get the Jews to have a homeland in Madagascar. He threw them in concentration camps because they were busy sponsoring terrorism and communism and breaking the law and undermining the state. They went to the concentration camps, which were WORK CAMPS FOR A VERY GOOD REASON. They deserved it. He did not send them there to kill them. He sent the Jews who were enemies of the state there in order to use them as cheap labour. And not all the Jews were sent there. Right until the end of the war there was a Jewish synagogue functioning in Berlin. So don’t believe all the Jewish crap.

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S.Africa: 3 Blacks die after raping a crocodile on the instructions of a WitchDoctor!
I found this story doing the rounds on the social media among whites. I dug into it. The original source for this is used to be one of the best and most reliable Zimbabwe news websites for years.

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