A Jewish Rabbi Owns PornHub – White Christians can’t grasp Rabbis versus Preachers


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This is the best website in America that exposes BLACK CRIME! It is fantastic. Every White American should see this!

A White man in Europe sent me this:

Why does a rabbi own PornHub? So I did some digging. Oh the things that I have found. ?? I promise you, you will want to know why.
Get your barf bags ready, coz it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
This is a thread. Brace yourselves.


I replied:
Rabbis are NOT like preachers. You clearly don’t grasp what these people really are like.

A Rabbi and a Christian Preacher are NOT the same thing.

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Video: WRH002: 2,200 Years ago: How Red Haired Whites (Celts) discovered New Zealand
This is the story of the whites who did not go to Europe. This is the branch of Whites who went to Persia (modern day Iran) and India. What happened to some of these whites? This is the bizarre story of how they got to South America; Easter Island and finally, New Zealand.

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