A Good Boer comment from AfricanCrisis about destruction of UK, USA & Jew Soros


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Video: How Rhodesia & South Africa killed 1 million+ Blacks after Portuguese Collapse
This is the story of something that the Rhodesians kicked off in desperation after the Portuguese had collapsed. Its effect lasted decades and huge numbers of Blacks died and it had massive effects on a Black nation. In this video I also discuss many deeper things including my discussions with President PW Botha.

[On my website africancrisis.info, a Boer, Willem, wrote these excellent comments which I agree with totally. Jan]

Allan Douglas , there seems to be a global attempt at inversion .

Replacement of traditions like The British with swiftly replicating Muslims will cause a culture overhaul in the UK within 20 years .
In the USA , Whites are being inflicted with , if not accosted , with guilt complexes for being white . All these culture and truth inversions were honed and perfected by the seeds from Stalins 1924 potting soil .

The Berlin wall crash of 1989 was a false flag in which the KGB simply re invented themselves .
The rise of Mugabe (after Bishop Muzorewa was defeated) , unbanning of the ANC/SACP alliance a year later in RSA are all interlocking pieces of the same puzzle .

This puzzle is the blueprint now being applied globally , by the George Soros foundation , and as stated elsewhere on these threads , Soros was identified by Scots raised , Paki , Michael Black , a noted intel and satanism analyst .

When thinking of the matter , it is not rocket science that any perversion of tradition , creates a new/altered society . Thusly , it can no longer be a secret , that with an altered society , there will be little opposition by traditionalists , to a New World Order as proposed by The Soros Foundation and the many faceted tentacles right within our societies today .

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